Programming Sustainable Growth

Computer science isn’t just about sitting around staring at code. In Birgit Penzenstadler’s Sustainability Lab, a group of computer science seniors are using technology to help grow vegetables.

All summer long, Ruben Marin, Marinela Sanchez, Jason Plojo, and Lam Tran have been tending their tomato, basil, lettuce, and carrot plants in a lab in VEC, using an Arduino and moisture sensors to develop water-saving techniques. Continue reading “Programming Sustainable Growth”

Southern California Gas Company Teams Show Off Senior Projects

Reducing emissions from gas grills and pasta cookers. Finding a cost-effective method to detect methane leaks in residential walls. Developing a tool that can return compressed pipes to their original shape.

These were some of the technical problems that students tackled as part of the CSULB College of Engineering’s partnership program with the Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas).

“This is a win-win opportunity,” said Hal Snyder, SoCalGas Vice President of Human Resources, Diversity, and Inclusion “Students obtain practical experience, and you’re actually working on things that can help our company.”

The four-year-old CSULB program is led by Rodger R. Schwecke, SoCalGas Senior Vice President of Gas Transmission and Storage. Schwecke, a 1983 B.S. in chemical engineering graduate, said, “It’s great to see these bright engineering students take an idea from concept to physical demonstration, with supporting test data to show results.  Ideas such as addressing the ovality of plastic pipe prior to connections, that can turn into commercially viable applications to help our business.” Continue reading “Southern California Gas Company Teams Show Off Senior Projects”

EE Remembers Lecturer Boi Tran

At its Department Graduation Monday, the CSULB Electrical Engineering Department commemorated lecturer Boi Tran’s supportive mentoring with an award in his name. Chris Hirunthanakorn (BSEE) received the Boi Tran Award, in memory of the late electrical engineering lecturer, who passed away suddenly late last year.

“It’s my honor that I’ve met and worked with Boi Tran, whose untimely passing has left a hole in our collective soul,” said Professor Anastasios Chassiakos, who described Tran as not only a very talented engineer but a trusted friend and mentor. Tran’s wife, Mindy, was present to accept the award.

Another of the department’s awards is named for the late Gerald Doski, an ever-helpful technician. The Doski Award this year went to Scott Salazar. Continue reading “EE Remembers Lecturer Boi Tran”

MAE Department Salutes Its Alumni, Volunteers, and Graduates

CSULB Mechanical and Aerospace students on Monday gathered with faculty and advisors for a celebration before their graduation.

“This is a milestone. Your efforts and hard work have paid off,” said MAE Chair Jalal Torabzadeh. “It’s a great day to be proud of your achievements. This is also an opportunity for you to say thank you for all who helped you on your journey.”

Ross Ahlberg, who received MAE’s Distinguished Alumni Award, said CSULB’s mechanical engineering program provides a solid career foundation. Ahlberg, who graduated two decades ago, is now Vice President of Clinical Development at Applied Medical. Continue reading “MAE Department Salutes Its Alumni, Volunteers, and Graduates”

Chemical Engineering Department Celebrates Grads and Alumni

Chemical Engineering celebrated the accomplishments of graduates and alumni at its Department Graduation Monday.

Those who received Distinguished Alumni Awards are: Jamie Bartolome, Tami Lipscomb,

George McDaniel, and Maureen Price. The Graduate Dean’s List recipient for Chemical Engineering was Raja Sekhar Kalavacherla.

Elena Jacobina DeSanto was recognized as the Outstanding BS ChE Student. The Outstanding MS Thesis Award went to Srinivas Gavini, while DeSanto and Rebecca Noel Wyborski received Outstanding Honor’s Thesis Awards. Sreeja Reddy Gouni and Christie Sutanto were recognized with Outstanding Undergrad/Grad Research Awards. Continue reading “Chemical Engineering Department Celebrates Grads and Alumni”

Xerox VP Arnold Hackett Named CECS Distinguished Alumni

Arnold Hackett was one of nine children raised by a single parent. He is now vice president of alliance and partnership management at Xerox.

The 2001 CSULB computer science graduate said he has Xerox to thank—and also CSULB. “They helped me become what I am today,” he told students at the CECS Department Graduation.

Hackett, who earned his master’s in computer science while working at Xerox, on Monday received the CECS Distinguished Alumni Award. He was also named the Alumni Association’s College of Engineering 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award.

Hackett said a degree in computing is very powerful. “You’ve been given the tools to create and innovate and make your dreams a reality,” he said. Continue reading “Xerox VP Arnold Hackett Named CECS Distinguished Alumni”

CECEM Grads Recognized for their Achievement at Department Event

Students graduating from the Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management Department were recognized for their achievement Monday at the CECEM Department Graduation.

“Today’s event is organized for you to have another chance to meet with your faculty,” said Dean Forouzan Golshani. “On behalf of the faculty and staff of this university, we salute you as peers.”

David Callis ‘88, a Senior Vice President at Swinerton Builders, and Jeff Goodermote ‘10, director of Parking Structures at Swinerton, received CECEM Distinguished Alumni Awards. Callis and Goodernote both graduated from CSULB with degrees in Construction Engineering Management. Continue reading “CECEM Grads Recognized for their Achievement at Department Event”

Students Show off Design Projects

Some teams had their Senior Design Projects ready to demonstrate hours in advance. But for others, Friday morning was crunch time.

CSULB students enrolled in the two-semester Senior Design Project class (MAE 471/472) have an opportunity to learn about design, manufacturing, collaboration and more.

This year, 128 students worked on 26 projects. The capstone course, taught by Associate Professor Christiane Beyer, emphasizes the theory and practice of modern design and manufacturing.

Focusing on concept design and embodiment design in the first semester, the course culminates in project implementation during the second semester.

The rigorous course teaches systematic design methods and tools combined with the application of CAD/CAE/CAM software and modern manufacturing tools.

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CSULB Computer Engineering & Computer Science Department Joins Diversity Initiative

BRAIDCSULB Computer Engineering and Computer Science Chair Burkhard Englert will participate this summer in an initiative to increase the percentage of women and students of color majoring in computer science.

The Building, Recruiting and Inclusion for Diversity (BRAID) initiative was launched three years ago. It is led by the Anita Borg Institute and Harvey Mudd College, in partnership with more than a dozen universities across the nation and the National Center for Women & Information Technology. BRAID is funded by Facebook, Google, Intel, Microsoft, the Computing Research Association, and the National Science Foundation. Continue reading “CSULB Computer Engineering & Computer Science Department Joins Diversity Initiative”

MAE’s Rodolfo Amezcua 2017 Outstanding Graduate

2017 Outstanding Grtaduate
Rodolfo Amezcua, left, with MAE Assistant Professor David Stout.

Rodolfo Amezcua didn’t set out to major in engineering. It became an obvious option, however, when he realized he was good at math and not at all interested in writing.

He also didn’t expect to pursue a PhD right after undergraduate studies. But now the mechanical engineering major will begin graduate studies in control systems at University of Southern California in the fall. USC will fully fund his first two years of study, and a Ford Graduate Fellowship fill fund three more years of study. Continue reading “MAE’s Rodolfo Amezcua 2017 Outstanding Graduate”