California State
University, Long Beach
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Selected Publications
1.          Tsai HW, Chen JC, Yeh KY, Tai MY, and Tsai YF (2009): Male Sexual Behavior and Brain
Catecholamine Levels in Middle-Aged Rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology (in press).

2.          Tsai HW, Grant PA, Rissman EF (2009):
Sex differences in histone modifications in the
neonatal mouse brain. Epigenetics, 4: 47-53.

3.          Chen JC*, Tsai HW*, Yeh KY, Tai MY, Tsai Y-F (2008):
Correlation of catecholamine levels in
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and reduced sexual behavior in middle-aged male rats. Journal
of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 63:678-82.

4.          Bojkowska K*, Hamczyk MM*, Tsai HW, Riggan A, Rissman EF (2008):
Neuropeptide Y
influences acute food intake and energy status affects NPY immunoreactivity in the female musk
shrew (Suncus murinus). Hormones and Behavior, 53: 342-350.

5.          Chen JC*, Tsai HW*, Yeh KY, Tai MY, Tsai YF (2007):
Male sexual behavior and
catecholamine levels in the medial preoptic area and arcuate nucleus in middle-aged rats. Brain
Research, 1184: 186-192.

6.          Tsai HW, Shui HA, Liu HS, Tai MY, and Tsai YF (2006): Monoamine levels in the nucleus
accumbens correlate with male sexual behavior in middle-aged rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry
and Behavior, 83: 265-270.

7.          Tsai HW, Katzenellenbogen JA, Katzenellenbogen BS, and Shupnik MA (2004): Protein
kinase A activation of estrogen receptor alpha transcription does not require proteasome activity and
protects the receptor from ligand-mediated degradation. Endocrinology, 145: 2730-2738.

8.          Tsai HW, LaPolt PS, Olcott AP, and Lu JKH (2004): Temporal changes occur in the
neuroendocrine control of gonadotropin secretion in aging female rats: Role of progesterone. Biology
of Reproduction, 71: 845-852.

9.          Legan SJ and Tsai HW (2003): Oestrogen receptor-alpha and -beta immunoreactivity in
gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurones after ovariectomy and chronic exposure to oestradiol.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 15: 1164-1170.

10.     Tsai HW and Legan SJ (2002): Loss of luteinizing hormone surges induced by chronic
estradiol is associated with decreased activation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons.
Biology of Reproduction, 66: 1104-1110.

11.     Tsai HW and Legan SJ (2001): Chronic elevation of estradiol in young ovariectomized rats
causes aging-like loss of steroid-induced LH surges. Biology of Reproduction, 64: 684-688.

12.     Tsai YF, Tsai HW, Tai MY, Huang RL, and Peng MT (1997): Male sexual behavior is
associated with LHRH neuron number in middle-aged rats. Neuroscience Letters, 237: 81-84.

13.     Peng YI, Chen TJ, Lin SH, Tsai HW, Tai MY, Huang RL, and Tsai YF (1995): Dissociation of the
restoration of copulatory behavior and the testicular morphology in old male rats with fetal brain
grafting. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 38: 13-17.

14.     Tsai YF, Tsai HW, and Tai MY (1994): Variation in the sexual behavior performance in old male
rats. Zoological Studies, 33: 232-234.

15.     Tsai YF, Tsai HW, and Tai MY (1994): Comparison of brain dopamine depletion induced by
low-dose 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in young and aged rats. Neuroscience
Research, 20: 27-33.

16.     Tsai HW and Tsai YF (1993): MPTP-induced brain indoleamine changes are age-related and
region-dependent in rats. Neuroscience Research Communication, 13: 19-26.

17.     Tsai HW and Tsai YF (1992): Age-related effects of MPTP on norepinephrine concentrations of
various areas of rat brains. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 35: 349-356.

18.     Tsai YF, Tsai HW, Tai MY, and Lu KS (1991): Aged-related changes in locomotor behavior
induced by MPTP in rats. Neuroscience Letters, 129: 153-155.