California State
University, Long Beach
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Colleen Worne
Biology Major
Gene Analysis:
I am currently studying the sexually dimorphic gene ubiquitin specific protease, 9x (Usp9x), in
mice brains. Ubiquitin specific protease- 9x (Usp9x) is a sexually dimorphic gene located on
the X chromosome, and its protein product mediates deubiquitination, in which ubiquitin tags
are removed from a substrate protein to prevent it from degradation in proteasomes. It has
been found that Usp9x protein levels are higher in the adult brain of female mice than in males
(Xu et al. 2005). However, Usp9x expression in the neonatal mouse brain is similar in the two
sexes, which indicates that sexually dimorphic expression of Usp9x is established during early
development after birth. I am studying whether sexually dimorphic expression of Usp9x in these
regions occurs within one week after birth.

To test my hypothesis, I will collect the cortex and hippocampus from both male and female
mice on the day of birth (PN0) and 7 day after birth (PN7) (n=8 per sex of each age). Brain
tissue will be processed for protein extraction, separated on SDS-PAGE gels, and then
immunoblotted with the Usp9x antibody.

Lab Work:
Along with my current research, I assist in general lab maintenance (i.e. inventory,