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Using the Elizabeth Murray Site to Promote History Cognition: An Assignment for Pre-Service Teachers 

What follows is an assignment for pre-service teachers enrolled in the history social science capstone courses at California State University, Long Beach. These courses are part of the Multiple Subject (grades K-8) and Single Subject (grades 7-12) credential programs in history/social science. A sample syllabus is available for the Multiple Subject course (L/ST 471). A sample syllabus for the Single Subject course can be found at the American Historical Association website.

In advance of this assignment, pre-service teachers read the following materials that are representative of much recent scholarship that addresses the issue of history cognition and learning. These include:

Based on this reading, the pre-service teachers write an essay that responds to the following prompts.

In addition, the pre-service teachers create two lesson plans that utilize sources directly from the Elizabeth Murray Website. One lesson must pertain to generating historical thinking through the direct the use of primary documents. The other must facilitate a specific form of comparative analysis. In both cases, the lessons must reveal understanding and implementation of the aforementioned scholarship.

The lesson plans must conform to either the California State History Social Standards for either grade five or eight or to the Advanced Placement United States History curriculum.

This lesson was created by Tim Keirn, Departments of History and Liberal Studies, California State University, Long Beach.