Activity - Web Search Practice


The main goal of this activity is to learn how to search for information more efficiently. This means finding relevant, reliable, and accurate information, as fast as possible. This activity also helps you learn how to obtain and save the APA style citations of the articles. 



Open a Word Document and copy/paste this whole page into it.



Practice 1


1-      Use Google to search for the keywords in this table (type the exact words and symbols)

2-      Write the number of pages you find (the number of results) in the second column. Your numbers might be different from the numbers given.

3-      Explain why the results for rows 1-2 are different from rows 3-5

4-      Explain why the results for row 1 and 2 are different.



Row #




"Validity Reliability"



"Validity and Reliability"



Validity Reliability



Validity AND Reliability



Validity OR Reliability



Practice 2


Imagine you want to learn about internal validity of a research design. Regarding all the tips you learned about Google search, how will you search and what key words will you use to find the most relevant websites?



Practice 3


Use Google to search for “Cognitive Therapy”. Once limit your search to COM and the second time limit your domain to EDU. Only look at the first 5 pages (first 5 results) found in each search. Use the following table to type the URL of the first 5 results. Explain which domain leads to more useful results. Why?


Search 1 (COM )

Search 2 (EDU)

1st  result=

1st  result=

2nd result=

2nd result=

3rd result=

3rd result=

4th result=

4th result=

5th result=

5th result=



Practice 4

a-   Using CSULB Library web site to do the following searches using a data base like ERIC.

    b- Search for the followings and after each search copy and paste the search criteria (Bolean/Phrase) as shown in these pictures. Please note that your results may look different from this picture and that’s fine.


·         Find the list of books in Education by Lesley Farmer

·         Find the list of journal articles by Lesley Farmer

·         Find the list of journal articles with Achievement and self-confidence in the title

·         Find the list of books with Achievement in the title

·         Find the list of journal articles (published after 2000) with “educational technology” in their title.