;;; Gaussian Quadrature, arbitrary precision. ;;; See http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/generic/quad-ga.lisp or quad-fast.lisp ;;; for basic ideas and comments. ;;; hacked to run in Maxima or Macsyma, but consequently slower than using mpfr (eval-when (load compile eval) (if (string= "MAXIMA" (package-name *package*)) (in-package :maxima) ;; for sourceforge maxima (in-package :climax))) ;; for commercial macsyma ;; I suspect that binding fpprec is not the right thing to do in commercial Macsyma.. ;;; Richard Fateman Feb 18, 2007 ;; legendre_pd returns legendre_p(k,x) and its derivative. ;;Note that d/dx P[n](x) = (1/(x^2-1))*n*(x*P[n](x)-P[n-1](x)) except for x=+-1 ;; This program is used with Newton iteration to refine roots of P[n](x). ;; useful only from lisp because it uses value construct to return. (defun legendre_pd (k x) ;; use for double float (assert (and (typep k 'fixnum)(<= 0 k) (typep x 'double-float))) (case k (0 (values 1 0)) (1 (values x 1)) (otherwise (let ((t0 1) (t1 x) (ans 0)) (declare (fixnum k)) (loop for i from 2 to k do (setf ans (/ (- (* (1- (* 2 i)) x t1) (* (1- i) t0)) i) t0 t1 t1 ans)) (values t1 ;; (1/(x^2-1))*k*(x*P[k](x)-P[k-1](x)) ;; except if abs(x)=1 then use (if (= 1 (abs x)) ;; 1/2*k*(k+1)*x^(k+1) (/ (* k (1+ k) (if (oddp k) 1 x)) 2) (/ (* k (- (* x t1)t0)) (1- (* x x))) )))))) ;;bigfloat version. Returns a macsyma list (defun $legendre_pdbf (k x) (assert (and (typep k 'fixnum)(<= 0 k))) (setf x ($bfloat x)) ;make sure it's a bigfloat (case k (0 (list '(mlist) 1 0)) (1 (list '(mlist) x 1)) (otherwise (let ((t0 ($bfloat 1)) (t1 ($bfloat x)) (ans ($bfloat 0)) (i ($bfloat 1))) (declare (fixnum k)) (loop for ii from 2 to k do (setf i (add i 1)) (setf ans (div (sub (mul (sub (mul 2 i) 1) x t1) (mul (sub i 1) t0)) i)) (setf t0 t1) (setf t1 ans) ) (list '(mlist) t1 ;; (1/(x^2-1))*k*(x*P[k](x)-P[k-1](x)) ;; except if abs(x)=1 then use (if (equal (cdr bigfloatone) (fpabs (cdr x))) ;abs of the bf insides ;; 1/2*k*(k+1)*x^(k+1) (div (mul k (add 1 k) (if (oddp k) 1 x)) 2) (div (mul k (sub (mul x t1)t0)) (sub (mul x x) 1)))))))) ;;The Gaussian quad weights are w[j]:= -2/ ( (n+1)* P'[n](x[j])*P[n+1](x[j])) ;; this program computes w[k](x) (defun $legendre_pdwt (k x &aux (kf ($bfloat k))) ;; compute -2 / ( k * P'[k-1](x)*P[k](x)) (assert (and (typep k 'fixnum)(< 1 k))); k>=2 (setf x ($bfloat x)) (div -2 (mul kf (let ((t0 ($bfloat 1)) (t1 x) (ans 0) (i ($bfloat 0))) (declare (fixnum k)) (loop for ii from 2 to (1- k) do (setf i ($bfloat ii)) (setf ans (div (sub (mul (sub (mul 2 i) 1) x t1) (mul (sub i 1) t0)) i) t0 t1 t1 ans)) (mul ;deriv of p[k-1] (div (mul (sub kf 1) (sub (mul x t1)t0)) (sub (mul x x) 1)) ;; legendre_p[k](x) (div (sub (mul (sub (mul 2 kf) 1) x t1) (mul (sub kf 1) t0)) kf) ))))) (defun $ab_and_wts (n &optional(precision fpprec)) ;compute abscissae and weights upto bigfloat global precision (declare (special fpprec $float2bf )) (let ((a 0) (v 0.0d0) (np1 (+ n 1)) (nph (/ 1.0d0(+ n 0.5d0))) (halfn (ash n -1)) (myprec 38) (globalprec fpprec) ($float2bf t) ; no warnings (abscissae (make-array (ceiling n 2))) (weights (make-array (ceiling n 2)))) (declare (double-float v nph)) (loop for i from 0 to (1- halfn) do (setf v (cos(* pi (- (1+ i) 0.25) nph)));estimate of zero (loop for i from 1 to 4 do ; 3 iterations is almost enough. (multiple-value-bind (val deriv)(legendre_pd n v) (declare (double-float val deriv)) ;;new_guess= guess-f(x)/f'(x) (setf v (- v (/ val deriv))))) (setf a ($bfloat v)) ;; compute more accurate abscissa in bigfloat ;; we build up gradually to goal precision. (setf myprec 38) (loop while (< myprec precision) do (setf fpprec (min globalprec (setf myprec (* 2 myprec) ))) (let* ((valderiv($legendre_pdbf n a)) (val (cadr valderiv)) (deriv (caddr valderiv))) ;;new_guess= guess-f(x)/f'(x) (setf a (sub a (div val deriv))) )) ;; enough precision. (setf (aref abscissae i) a) (setf (aref weights i) ($legendre_pdwt np1 a))) (cond ((oddp n) (setf (aref abscissae halfn) 0) (setf (aref weights halfn) ; fill in middle element by subtraction 2-2*(sum of others) (let ((sum 0)) (loop for i from 0 to (1- halfn) do (setf sum (add sum (aref weights i )))) (setf sum (sub 2 (add sum sum))))))) ;;(values abscissae weights) ;probably what we would prefer, for computing ;; to make it accessible to macsyma, return 2 lists. (list '(mlist) (cons '(mlist) (coerce abscissae 'list)) (cons '(mlist) (coerce weights 'list))) )) #| A Maxima program First define some function, e.g. g(x):=exp(x). Using gaussian integration to integrate g from -1 to 1 in the current bigfloat precision, using n points, do gaussunit(g,n). To see if your answer is correct, use n then 2n and 4n points, and/or more and more digits. Compare answers. This will provide heuristic confirmation. /* edited %%w => %%%w in sum:sum+ */ ( gq1(%%g,n,aw):= block([sum:0], map(lambda([%%a,%%%w],sum:sum+%%%w*(%%g(%%a)+%%g(-%%a))),aw[1],aw[2]), sum+ (if oddp(n) then -%%g(0)*aw[2][length(aw[1])] else 0 )), ab_and_wts[n,prec]:= /* memoize the abscissae and weights for Legendre zeros and Gauss quad */ block([fpprec:prec], ab_and_wts(n)), /* integrate function g(x) from x=-1 to x=1 using n points and fpprec */ gaussunit(%ggg,n):= gq1(%ggg,n,ab_and_wts[n,fpprec]), /* integrate function g(x) from x=lo to x=hi using n points and fpprec */ gaussab(%hh,lo,hi,n):= block([a:(hi-lo)/2, b:(hi+lo)/2], local(%zz), define (%zz(x),%hh(a*x+b)), a* gaussunit(%zz,n)), /* integrate function g(x) from x=0 to x=inf using n points and fpprec */ gauss0inf(%gg,n):= block([],local(%zz), define(%zz(x), block([d:(1-x)], %gg((1+x)/d)/d^2)), 2* gaussunit(%zz,n)), /* integrate function g(x) from x=minf to x=inf using n points and fpprec */ gaussminfinf(%gg,n):= block([],local(%zz), define(%zz(x), block([d:(1-x),r:(1+x)/(1-x)], (%gg(r)+%gg(-r))/d^2)), 2* gaussunit(%zz,n)) )$ |#