Maxima by Example, Chapter 15: Financial Mathematics

Ted Woollett

Chapter 15 introduces Maxima users to the most common financial functions.

The software package financial.mac has Maxima code defining the functions and simple examples of many common financial functions.

Instead of a pdf file discussion, we rely on two wxMaxima worksheets and a html file summary of syntax.

The wxMaxima worksheet financial.wxm is an in depth discussion of the derivation of the various functions in financial.mac together with references to web based sources.

The wxMaxima worksheet financial_brief.wxm simply loads financial.mac and shows simple examples of each function use, together with brief definitions of terms.

The html file financial.html provides a convenient summary of the function syntax as well as financial jargon associated with the functions defined in financial.mac.

  1. --financial.mac : Oct 21, 2020 Financial functions Maxima code
  2. --financial.html : Oct 21, 2020 Financial functions syntax & summary
  3. --financial.wxm : Oct 21, 2020 wxMaxima worksheet with in-depth discussion of finance concepts and design of Maxima financial functions code in financial.mac.
  4. --financial_brief.wxm : Oct 21, 2020 wxMaxima worksheet with brief introductions to loading financial.mac and using the functions on simple examples. Also brief explanations of the financial terms used.