Change a Department Title

To change your department's name, please send a document from the current department chair to the Academic Programs Office (, who will facilitate dissemination and approval process through the Vice Provost of Academic Programs, the Academic Senate and the Provost.

The document should include:

  • Current Department Name:
  • Requested New Department Name:
  • Academic Justification:
    • How does the proposed name more clearly fit the mission of the academic unit? Does the change reflect a change in the unit's mission?
    • Curricular implications: Does the new name reflect past changes in curriculum? Does it reflect plans for future curriculum changes? Do any planned changes impinge on other academic units? If so, what are the plans for avoiding unnecessary duplication?
    • Effect on the University: How will the new name assist students in finding the program they need? How does the new name make clear the differences between the academic unit and others in the University?
    • Comparisons: What names are used for comparable academic units in other Universities in the CSU System and nationwide?

Also please consider if a new CIP code may be necessary for your degrees based on this change?

For reference, see Policy Statement 97-01, Name Change for Academic Units.





CSULB Academic Senate