CIP Code Information

CSU Majors by CIP Code

The California State University system hosts a database of Major CIP Codes (PDF) with CSU Concentration Names, Systemwide Discipline Divisions and their CIP Codes. If you are preparing a program form for any reason and are required a CIP code - these are the ones you should use.

Requesting Changes to a CIP Code

Submit to the Curriculum Office ( the following:

  • Memo outlined per the CIP Code Change template (DOCX), which would include:
    • Rationale for the change
    • Anticipated term for the change
    • Program description - ideally lifted from website or Catalog
    • 2-yr and 4-yr roadmaps
  • Evidence of department, college, and campus approval for the CIP change

Next steps:

  1. The Academic Programs team will review the request.
  2. Information will be shared with the Academic Senate and go under review.
  3. Upon Academic Senate approval, the change will be shared with the President.
  4. Upon Presidential approval, the change will be shared with the CSU Chancellor's Office.
  5. Upon Chancellor's Office approval, an effective date for the CIP code change will be set.


DHS maintains a complete list of fields that fall within the regulatory definition of “STEM field” that qualifies certain degrees to fulfill the extension requirement.

How to Read a CIP Code

(adapted from Sic Codes)

The CIP is subdivided in a hierarchical, three-level structure. The highest level is the 2-digit series, which is composed of 47 categories. This is followed by the 4-digit series, composed of 421 categories, and the final level 6-digit series which is composed of 1,847 classifications.


CIP Level and Information
Digit Level Numeric Definition Category
2-digit 14 Engineering
4-digit 14.08 Civil Engineering
6-digit 14.0804 Transportation and Highway Engineering





CIP Overview

From the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES):

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.

The CIP titles and program descriptions are intended to be generic categories into which program completions data can be placed, not exact duplicates of a specific major or field of study titles used by individual institutions. CIP codes are standard statistical coding tools that reflect current practice, and are not a prescriptive list of officially recognized or permitted programs. The CIP is not intended to be a regulatory device. CIP codes, for the most part, are not intended to correspond exclusively to any specific degree or program level. In most cases, any given instructional program may be offered at various levels, and CIP codes are intended to capture all such data.