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Single Subject Teacher Education Program

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Single Subject Credential Program Majors

The subject matter programs listed below have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Completion of a program as an undergraduate major (or as a returning graduate student) meets the subject matter competence requirement for the single subject teaching credential. With careful planning, it may be possible for undergraduates to complete the professional preparation (education) courses concurrent with the major, with the exception of student teaching and seminar (which may be done the first semester after graduation). Subject matter competence may also be demonstrated by passing the appropriate CSET exam. Candidates should consult the Credential Advisor in their area of interest to develop an efficient program plan.

Art Education (code 110)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in Art are listed in the Art Department under Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Option in Art Education. Subject matter competence may be met through completion of 30 lower division units and 39 upper division and perspective units. Consult with the Single Subject Art Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

English Education (code 120)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in English are listed in the English Department under Bachelor of Arts in English, Option in English Education. The English education subject matter waiver program is a 55 unit major with 43 core units and 12 breadth and perspective units. Consult with the Single Subject English Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

Health Science (code 130)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in Health Science are listed in the Health Science Department under Bachelor of Science in Health Science, Option in School Health Education. Subject matter competence may be met through completion of 20 lower division units and 45 upper division units. Consult with the Single Subject Health Science Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

World Languages:
French (code 152)
German (code 153)
Italian (code 154)
Japanese (code 155)
Latin (code 156)
Spanish (code 158)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in individual Languages Other Than English are listed under the Bachelor of Arts requirements in the appropriate department (French, German, Italian, Spanish: Romance, German and Russian Languages Dept.; Latin: Comparative World Literature and Classics Dept.). In each instance, the Bachelor of Arts degree leads to subject matter competence in the language. Consult with the Single Subject Languages Other than English Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

Mathematics Education (code 165)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in Mathematics are listed in the Mathematics and Statistics Department under Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Option in Mathematics Education. Subject matter competence may be met through completion of 30 lower units and 36 upper division units. Consult with the Single Subject Mathematics Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

Music Education (code 170)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in Music are listed in the Music Department under Bachelor of Music, Option in Music Education. Subject matter competence may be met through completion of 70 units for both choral/vocal and instrumental options. Consult with the Single Subject Music Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

Physical Education (code 175)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in Physical Education are listed in the Kinesiology Department under Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology, Option in Elementary, Secondary, or Adapted Physical Education. Subject matter competence may be met through completion of 29 lower division units and 40 upper division units. Consult with the Single Subject Physical Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information.

Science Education:
Biological Sciences (code 184)
Chemistry (code 181)
Geosciences (code 182)
Physics (code 183)

Course requirements for demonstrating subject matter competence in Science are listed in the Science Education Department under Subject Matter Competence for the Single Subject Credential. Breadth and specialization units vary for the four science areas. Consult with the Single Subject Science Education Advisor for specific academic advisement and program information. The Science Subject Matter Program is being revised to meet new state standards. When the revised program has been approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the new course requirements will be in effect and supersede current requirements.

Social Science Education (code 185)

Behavioral Science, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science

In order to demonstrate subject matter competence by course work for the Social Science teaching credential, students must complete 39 core units and 15 breadth and perspective units. Consult the Social Science Education Credential Advisor in the Department of History for program information.

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