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Courses - SCED Upper Division

401. A Process Approach to Science (3)

Prerequisite: BIOL 200; PHSC 112; GEOL 106, or both GEOL 102 and GEOL 104; all with a "C" or better grade.
Processes of science as they relate to life, earth, and physical sciences. Practical approaches to integration of science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and cross-cutting concepts of science integrated and modeled throughout the course for students.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 2 hrs., laboratory 3 hrs.) Course fee may be required. Information on fees related to this course can be found here.

403. Integrated Science (3)

Prerequisites: All credential breadth requirements for the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program in Science, three-fourths of the credential specializations courses, and consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to students who intend to pursue a Single Subject Credential in Science.
Focuses on NGSS integration of science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and cross-cutting concepts of science. Requires presentations, discussions, critical evaluation by students on selected interdisciplinary topics in sciences, and field work in integrated science assignments.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.)

404. The Nature of Science and Scientific Reasoning (3)

Prerequisites: Minimum of 9 units of science (introductory level or higher) or consent of instructor
Course introduces the nature of science – its history, philosophy, and sociology. Common misconceptions related to science practices and critical evaluation of scientific investigations (in research literature and popular media) are examined. Implications for science communication and teaching will be addressed.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.)

475. Teaching and Learning Science, K-8 (3)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program. SCED 401 or a bachelor's degree.
Methods for teaching elementary school science. Development of sequenced, Common Core integrated, NGSS-based science lessons addressing the needs of all learners to be STEM ready.
Letter grade only (A-F). Course fee may be required. Information on fees related to this course can be found here. (Lec 2 hrs., activity 2 hrs.) 60 contact hours, however, actual contact hours vary as course is offered with an on-line distance component (see Schedule of Classes footnote). 10 hours minimum of fieldwork in classrooms where at least 25% of students are classified as English learners, or concurrent enrollment in EDEL 482.

490A. Selected Topics in Science Education (1-3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topics in science education.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics in different semesters. (Lecture 1-3 hrs)

490B. Selected Topics in Life Science Education (1-3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topics in life science education.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics in different semesters. Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 1-3 hrs)

490C. Selected Topics in Earth/Space Science Education (1-3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topics in earth and space science education.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics in different semesters. Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 1-3 hrs)

490D. Selected Topics in Physical Science Education (1-3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topics in physical science education.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics in different semesters. Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 1-3 hrs)

496. Directed Studies in Science Education (1-3)

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Supervised study of current topics in science education.
Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 3 units with different topics in different semesters.

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
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