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Courses - SPAN Graduate Level

500./400. Don Quijote and the Critics (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 310.
Designed to guide students through a close reading of Cervantes's Don Quijote, with a special emphasis on various theoretical approaches to the text. The class will provide a basic introduction to literary criticism.

520./420. History of Spanish Language (3)

Prerequisite: One course in Spanish linguistics or consent of instructor.
Analysis of written and spoken Spanish from its inception through its current use in the Hispanic world.

526./426. Spanish Morphology and Syntax (3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Morphemic and syntagmatics analysis of Spanish; introduction to transformational grammar.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hours)

527./427. Contrastive Analysis of Spanish and English (3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Study of known points of similarity and differences between the two languages.
Letter grade only (A-F).

529./429. Studies in 19th and 20th Century Spanish Poetry (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 330.
Examines salient poets from last two centuries, including Rosalía de Castro, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Vicente Aleixandre, Federico García Lorca, Gloria Fuertes, Jaime Gil de Biedma, and other more contemporary figures.
Undergraduates register in SPAN 429; graduates register in SPAN 529. Letter grade only (A-F). (Seminar 3 hours)

538./438. Studies in Golden Age Literature (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 330.
Survey of 16th and 17th century masterpieces from Spain such as La Celestina, Lazarillo de Tormes, Los desengaños amorosos and their intersections with notions of hegemony, sexuality, gender, race, and class.

539./439. Modern Spanish Narrative (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 330 or consent of instructor.
Representative 19th and 20th century novelists.
Letter grade only (A-F). Undergraduates register in SPAN 439, graduates register in SPAN 539. (Seminar)

540./440. Civilized Barbarisms: Nature, War and Race in Latin American Fiction (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 341.
Study of Latin American fiction dealing with military conflicts, economic and ecological struggles, and ethnic strife from the late ninteenth century to the present.

541./441. Studies in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Spanish American Narrative (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 341 or consent of instructor.
Critical analysis of 19th and 20th century Spanish American prose fiction.
Undergraduates register in SPAN 441, graduates register in SPAN 541 Letter grade only (A-F). (Seminar 3 hours).

542./442. Nation Building and Women's Writing in Nineteenth-Century Spanish America (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 310 and SPAN 341 or instructor's consent.
Explores field of Spanish American women writers during nineteenth century and concept of nation building. Several genres are studied: epistolary narrative, short-story, travel narratives, essay, autobiography, and the novel.

543./443. Studies in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Spanish American Poetry (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 341 or consent of instructor.
Study of representative 19th and 20th century Spanish American poets.
Undergraduates register in SPAN 443, graduates register in SPAN 543 Letter grade only (A-F). (Seminar)

544./444. Nineteenth-Century Spanish America and The National Family Romance (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 310 and SPAN 341 or consent of instructor.
Advanced course studies Spanish American canonical writers during the nineteenth century in relation to the concept of "family romance." These fictions constitute the foundational master narratives that were the guiding fictions for the new independent nations.

546./446. Studies in Spanish Culture (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 330.
Deals with some aspect of Spanish culture in an interdisciplinary fashion during a given period. Topics could include social, political, theoretical, and/or historical perspectives on the arts.
Undergraduates register in SPAN 446; graduates register in SPAN 546. Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units. (Seminar 3 hours)

547./447. The Invention of Spain: Visions in Conflict (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 300, SPAN 310, SPAN 330.
Social, historical and literary study of Spain from 1808 through the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Many groups struggle to impose their vision of Spain as it emerges from the War of Independence in 1808, transitioning from the Antiguo Régimen to nationhood.

548./448. Romanticism and Realism (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 300, SPAN 310 and SPAN 330.
A systematic tracing of the derivation of Spanish Romanticism in narrative forms, in its European and Peninsular trajectories and its transformation into realism toward mid nineteenth century.

549./449. Dictatorship to Democracy: Film and Literature in Spain (1930-today) (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 310 and SPAN 330 or consent of instructor.
Advanced course explores Spanish culture through film and literature of the pre-Civil War period, the Franco period, the transition to democracy, and the advanced democracy of Spain today.
Letter grade only (A-F).

550./450. Studies in Colonial Spanish American Literature (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 310 and SPAN 341.
Focuses on canonical works from Spanish-American Colonial period (1500-1800). Covers a large selection of literary texts of colonial period, including chronicles, relaciones, letters, diaries, poetry, autobiography, and travel literature.

560./460. Studies in Spanish American Culture (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 341.
In-depth study of some of the essays which have dealt with the problem of what the Spanish American nations are, and what they should be during the republican era. Includes authors from both nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units.

590. Selected Topics in Spanish (3)

Study of a particular aspect of Spanish literature, language or culture.
Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 9 units with different topics. Topics announced in Schedule of Classes.

591/491. Nobel Poets and Others (3)

Prerequisites: SPAN 330, SPAN 341, or consent of instructor.
Critical analysis of representative works of Nobel Poets (Aleixandre, Jimenez. Mistral, Neruda and Paz) and other significant poets (Albertik, Becquer, Dario, Garcia Lorca, Garcilaso, Gongora, Guillen, Vallejo, etc.) Undergraduates register in SPAN 491, graduates register in SPAN 591. Letter grade only (A-F)

592./492. Studies in Hispanic Theater (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 330 or SPAN 341, or consent of instructor.
Representative Spanish and Spanish American plays.
Letter grade only (A-F). Undergraduates register in SPAN 492; graduates register in SPAN 592.

593./493. Women and War (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 310.
Examines the relationship between women and war in a literary context.
Undergraduates register in SPAN 493; graduates register for SPAN 593. Letter grade only (A-F). (3 hours lecture)

599. Directed Studies (1-3)

Prerequisites: Graduate standing, advanced to candidacy, consent of the instructor and chair or graduate advisor.
Selected topics on Hispanic Studies to be pursued in-depth.
Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics with consent of graduate advisor and department chair.

640. Selected Topics - Seminar in Spanish American Literature (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 341 or consent of instructor.
Study of particular period, genre or author.
Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics in different semesters. Topics announced in Schedule of Classes. (Seminar 3 hours)

650. Research Methods and Critical Theory (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 310.
An introduction to Master's level research methods, including information technology, library literacy, research paper preparation, conference presentations, and professionalization issues related to M.A.-level work. The idiom of critical theory will be introduced in an application-based setting.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Seminar 3 hours).

691. Seminar in Spanish Literature - The Spanish Civil War and Its Artistic Repercussions (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 330, SPAN 341 or consent of instructor.
Examines fiction dealing with war themes written during and after the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). It includes authors such as Arturo Barea, Constancia de la Mora, Cesar Vallejo, Pablo Neruda, Dolores Ibárruri, Ernest Hemingway, Juan Goytisolo, George Orwell, and Ana María Matute.
Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units. (Seminar 3 hours)

College of Liberal Arts
University Course Listings
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