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Courses - AIS Upper Division

General Education Category A must be completed prior to taking any upper-division course except upper-division language courses where students meet formal prerequisites and/or competency equivalent for advanced study.

300. American Indians in Cinema (3)

Examines the creation of stereotypical, both positive and negative images of American Indians in cinema utilizing silent cinema through the contemporary era. Discusses representations of American Indians in American cinema from an American Indian perspective.
Class content will vary dependent on films available for instruction. Letter grade only (A-F).

308. California Indian History (3)

Prerequisite: GE Foundation requirements.
Study of relationship between Indian people and various European powers that influenced the settlement of the State of California. Areas to be explored include: indigenous people of California, Spanish invasion of 1769, Mexican secularization in 1834, and seizure by U.S. in 1846.
Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in AIS 208.

313. American Indian Genders and Sexualities (3)

Analysis of popular, feminist, queer and tribally specific theories and representations of American Indian genders and sexualities with a focus on literatures by American Indian women, men and two-spirit peoples.
Same course as WGSS 313. Not open for credit to students with credit in WGSS 313.

319. The Ethnic Experience in the U.S. (3)

Prerequisite: GE Foundation requirements.
Examination of dynamics of development of our multicultural society, emphasizing study of the four distinct ethnic strands of American society (Asian American, Black American, Mexican American, and American Indian) and their role in maintenance of cultural diversity in United States.
Same course as AFRS 319, ASAM 319, and CHLS 319. Not open for credit to student with credit in AFRS 319, ASAM 319, B/ST 319, CHLS 319, or WGSS 319. (Lecture/Discussion)

320. American Indian Art and Material Culture (3)

Survey of North American Indian art; emphasis on art forms of the U.S., Alaska, and Canada. Traditional and contemporary art and artists will be explored, focusing on aesthetic, theoretical, historical, religious, and philosophical aspects as they relate to American Indian culture.

335. American Indian Philosophies (3)

Detailed examination of American Indian tribal cultures and worldviews. Comparison of tribal philosophy and beliefs with that of western society. Special emphasis placed on traditional philosophical traditions as practiced in the cultural regions of North America and the sub-Arctic.
Letter grade only (A-F).

336. Indigenous Philosophies of Sustainability (3)

Prerequisite: Completion of GE Foundation, one or more Explorations courses and upper-division standing.
Detailed examination and comparison of Indigenous philosophies of sustainability, worldviews, and life experiences of American Indians in the United States compared to western society. Emphasis on American Indian philosophical traditions and applied sustainability practices.
Letter grade only (A-F).

340. American Indian Literature (3)

Prerequisite: GE Foundation requirements.
Analysis of the written and oral literacy traditions developed by American Indians. Range of works studied: oral history, tales, myths, song, prayer, poetry, short story, and novel.
Same course as ENGL 340. Not open for credit to student with credit in ENGL 340.

345. Working with American Indian and Indigenous Families (3)

Prerequisites: Completion of General Education Foundation, one or more Explorations courses and upper-division standing.
Systematic study and analysis of the structure and function of American Indian and Indigenous families in the United States. Examine the socioeconomic, political, and cultural factors that influence the family system and explore approaches to working with American Indian and Indigenous families.
Letter grade only (A-F).

400. Advanced Historiography of American Indian People (3)

Introduction to historical writings relating to American Indians. Analyze the attitudes, assumptions, and evidence that have been used to portray American Indian people and the settling of America. Provides a foundation for understanding of how history has been shaped and will advance research skills.
Letter grade only (A-F).

420. American Indian Traditional Material Culture, Arts and Crafts (3)

Prerequisites: AIS 320, or consent of instructor.
Techniques, materials, concepts and processes in the creation of American Indian traditional arts and crafts. Selected artistic projects in the creation of tribal arts.
(Lecture-activity 6 hours.)

450. American Indian and Indigenous Cinema (3)

Prerequisite: Completion of GE Foundation, one or more Explorations courses and upper-division standing.
Examines American Indian and Indigenous self-representation in film. Focus on the history and theory of "Fourth World" cinema production.
Letter grade only (A-F).
Same course as FEA 450. Not open for credit to students with credit in FEA 450.

454. Contemporary Indigenous Arts in the United States and American Territories (3)

Prerequisites: AH111A and AH111B, or instructor consent.
Analysis of Indigenous arts in the United States and American territories, with an emphasis on Native American and Pacific Islander cultures, from 1950 to the present.
Letter grade only (A-F). Same course as AH 454. Not open for credit to students with credit in AH 454.

485. American Indians and the Law (3)

Prerequisites: Completion of the GE Foundation requirement, completion of one or more Exploration courses and upper-division status. Students must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone.
Provides an in-depth study of the legal relationships between the United States, individual states, Indian people, and Indian Nations. Begins with first contact between Indian people and English colonists and continues to the present time.
Letter grade only (A-F).

490. Selected Topics in American Indian Studies (1-3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topics of current interest in American Indian studies selected for intensive development.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units. Topics announced in the Schedule of Classes.

497. Fieldwork in American Indian Studies (1-3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing, consent of instructor.
Supervised experience relevant to specific aspects of American Indian community in off-campus setting. Project must be related to student's major or certificate program. Regular meetings with faculty supervisor and written reports required.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units.

499. Directed Studies (1-3)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Directed Studies to permit individual students to pursue topics of special interest.
May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units.

College of Liberal Arts
University Course Listings
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