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Academic Regulations

Final Course Grades, Grading Procedures, and Final Assessments

Part Four: Assignment of Final Course Grades

1. The instructor of record in a course section (i.e., the faculty member officially assigned to teach that section) has the exclusive responsibility and authority to assign final course grades to all students in that section, subject only to the following exceptions:

a. Should the instructor of record be unable or unwilling to complete this task because of death, disability, separation of employment, or prolonged absence from campus during a regular academic term, the department chair or program director, following notification of the instructor of record where appropriate and with the approval of the college dean, may appoint another instructor with the most appropriate qualifications in the discipline to complete the assignment of final course grades; or
b. In the event of a successful grade appeal (detailed below in Part Five: Change of Final Course Grades).

2. Final course grades shall be based on at least three, and preferably more, demonstrations of competence by the student. Exceptions require the college dean's approval.

3. In no case shall the grade on any single demonstration of competence count for more than one-third of the final course grade. Exceptions require the college dean's approval. This provision does not abridge a faculty member's right to assign a course grade of "F" for a single act of cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of information, or other form of academic dishonesty.

4. At the start of the course and in keeping with PS 11-07 (Course Syllabi and Standard Course Outlines), instructors shall provide to their students in writing:

  • a. The grading policies and practices to be employed in the class;
  • b. The rules that will apply to withdrawals; and
  • c. Any other rules governing attendance, class participation, in-class use of electronics, or other conduct-related policy that may affect a student's final grade in a course.

5. Instructors shall keep a record of students' scores on each of the demonstrations of competence on which the final course grade is based.

6. Instructors shall provide students with an opportunity for demonstration of competence, relevant to the determination of their final course grade in the course, as early as is reasonable and no later than the midpoint of the term.

7. Students have a right to be informed promptly of their scores and to review each of their demonstrations of competence with their instructors.

8. If materials submitted for a demonstration of competence are not returned, these materials must be retained for at least two subsequent semesters by the instructor. The materials shall be accessible to the department office. In the absence of the original instructor, an instructor with appropriate qualifications may be appointed by the chair to review the demonstration of competence with the student.

9. Grades reported to Enrollment Services are considered to be official and final course grades.

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