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aggregate function(SQL) Function that operates on a group of rows, for example, SUM.sql/functions.php
aggregation(UML) An association in which one class represents an assembly of components from one or more other class types. Components may also exist without being part of the assembly.aggregate.php
alias(SQL) An alternate, short name for a table in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.jointypes.php
ALTER TABLE(SQL) Statement to change structure, constraints, or other properties of a table.tables.php
AS(SQL) Keyword to specify a column alias in the SELECT clause.sql/functions.php
assignment rule(RM) The association of each attribute in a scheme with its domain.class.php
association(UML) The way that two classes are functionally connected to each other.association.php
association class(UML) A class that contains attributes which are the properties of an association rather than a regular class.manymany.php
association, many-to-manySee many-to-many association.manymany.php
association, one-to-manySee one-to-many association.association.php
association, recursiveSee recursive association.recursive.php
attribute(UML,ER,RM) One piece of information that characterizes each member of a class.class.php
attribute, derivedSee derived attribute.manymany.php
attribute, descriptiveSee descriptive attribute.class.php
attribute, discriminatorSee discriminator
attribute, multivaluedSee multivalued attribute.hobbies.php
attribute, repeatedSee repeated
base table(SQL) A table that is referenced by a view definition.sql/views.php
BCNF(RM) Boyce-Codd normal form: a database with no subkey in any relation (with no exceptions).subkeys.php
candidate key (CK)(RM) A minimal super key, candidate to become primary key.keys.php
cardinality(ER) See multiplicity.association.php
Cartesian product(RA) The result of the join of two relations with no join attributes specified, as defined in set theory. See also cross join.sql/join.php
check constraintA Boolean condition that the database applies to a row whenever that row is updated or inserted.constraints/check_constraints.php
child(RM,TM) The relation on the "many" (FK) side of a one-to-many association.association.php
class(UML) Any "thing" in the enterprise that is to be represented in the database.class.php
column(TM) See attribute.tables.php
COMMIT(SQL) Statement to make changes to data permanent.sql/ddldml.php
compatible(RA) Two schemes are compatible if their intersection is null or if the intersection attributes inherit the same assignment rule from their respective schemes.sql/join.php
complete specialization(UML) All members of a superclass must also be members of at least one subclass.subclass.php
composition(UML) Stronger form of aggregation in which components cannot exist without being part of the assembly.aggregate.php
constraint(RM,TM) Any restriction on the values that can be entered in a table.tables.php
CREATE TABLE(SQL) Statement to do just what the name implies.class.php
cross join(SQL) Paste of every pair of tuples from each relation, disregarding join attributes. See also Cartesian product.jointypes.php

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