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California State University, Long Beach
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

General Safety Training Quiz


Please view the General Safety Training - revised 2022 (PDF) and read the CNSM Safety Manual before taking this quiz.

Upon submission of the quiz, you will receive a confirmation email with your quiz score. While a perfect score is required to pass, there is no limit to the number of times the quiz may be retaken before the required perfect score is achieved.

Upon passing the quiz with a perfect score, you will receive an email providing details about how to complete your CNSM General Safety Training. Note: training records for non-CNSM personnel completing this training may not be maintained by the CNSM.

* indicates a required field.

About You


For each question, please select the best single answer from the choices below.

1) The introductory safety training provided by the Science Safety Office is:
2) Workplace safety information, phone numbers and annual injury reports are communicated through:
3) All are required to know the hazards, safe handling requirements, accidental release measures, and disposal method for each chemical or product used at work. This information is available to each employee via:
4) Safety Data Sheets:
5) What must you write on any container before leaving it unattended in your workplace?
6) When must you wear chemical splash goggles?
7) Safety glasses with side shields may be worn instead of chemical splash goggles:
8) Examples of activities that require appropriate eye protection include:
9) A researcher is working in lab where hazardous liquid chemicals are present. Which of the following is NOT considered appropriate personal protective equipment for this situation?
10) A non-paid student lab worker sustained an injury to their hand that required medical attention. After reporting the injury to their supervisor they should next:
11) Accidents or incidents that should be reported to the Science Safety Office or your supervisor include:
12) The following activities are prohibited in laboratories where chemicals are present:
13) When working with hazardous liquids, which safety equipment item is required by Cal/OSHA to be within 10 seconds distance of your work area?
14) Particularly Hazardous Substances (PHSs) include:
15) Particularly Hazardous Substances (PHSs):
16) The area surrounding a safety shower/eyewash:
17) If you need to contact emergency personnel such as fire or police, the best way to reach them is by:
18) When used properly, chemical fume hoods protect you from:
19) Fume hoods should not be used under which of the following conditions?
20) Chemical compatibility: Never store oxidizers in the same container as:
21) Which of the following may not be stored in a standard laboratory refrigerator?
22) Which of the following is an appropriate waste handling practice?
23) Which of the following is not suitable safety attire when handling a large volume (great than 25ml) of a corrosive liquid?
24) A yellow chemical waste label must be affixed to all hazardous chemical waste containers upon generation of waste.
25) Possible routes of exposure to toxic chemicals include eyes, skin (contact or absorption), inhalation, and ingestion.
26) Electrical extension cords are permitted to power items on campus only if used on a temporary basis (less than 90 days).
27) You are not required to carry hazardous chemicals in a secondary containment device if only traveling a short distance such as to a lab across the hall.
28) It is OK to roam hallways and offices while wearing disposable gloves as long as you know they are clean.
29) red diamond with outline of a man covered in a six-pointed-star This image on a container means that the material inside is toxic and/or carcinogenic/mutagenic.
30) red diamond with underlined circle in flames This image on a container means the material is flammable and should be stored in a flammables cabinet.