file mbe4solve.txt e. woollett, april, 08 cut and paste code for Maxima by Example: Ch. 4, Solving Equations available for download at 4.1 One Equation or Expression: Symbolic Solution or Roots ================================== 4.1.1 The Maxima Function solve ------------------------------- (%i1) f(x); (%i2) solve( f(x)^2-1 , x ); (%i1) apropos(solve); (%i2) describe(solveradcan)$ (%i3) describe(solvetrigwarn)$ 4.1.2 solve with Expressions or Functions & the multiplicities List ---------------------------------- (%i1) multiplicities; (%i2) ex1 : x^2 - 2*x + 1; (%i3) factor(ex1); (%i4) g(x) := x^2 - 2*x + 1$ (%i5) g(y); (%i6) solve(ex1); (%i7) multiplicities; (%i8) solve(g(y)); (%i9) multiplicities; (%i10) realroots(ex1); (%i11) multiplicities; (%i12) allroots(ex1); (%i13) multiplicities; (%i1) multiplicities; (%i2) allroots(x^2 - 2*x + 1); (%i3) multiplicities; 4.1.3 General Quadratic Equation or Function -------------------------------------- (%i1) f(x) := a*x^2 + b*x + c$ (%i2) f(y); (%i3) sol : solve( f(x) ); (%i4) sol : solve( f(x),x ); 4.1.4 Checking Solutions with subst or ev and a "Do Loop" ------------------------------------ (%i5) s1 : sol[1]; (%i6) r1 : subst(s1, f(x) ); (%i7) expand(r1); (%i8) for i:1 thru 2 do disp( expand( subst( sol[i], f(x) ) ) )$ (%i9) for i:1 thru 2 do disp( expand( ev(f(x), sol[i]) ))$ 4.1.5 The One Argument Form of solve -------------------------------------- (%i10) solve(3*x -2); (%i11) (a:1, b:2, c:3)$ (%i12) [a,b,c]; (%i13) solve(a*x^2 + b*x + c); (%i14) [a,b,c] : [4,5,6]; (%i15) solve(a*x^2 + b*x + c); 4.1.6 Using disp, display, and print ------------------------------------ (%i16) [a,b,c] : [4,5,6]; (%i17) [a,b,c]; (%i18) f(x); (%i19) kill(a,b,c); (%i20) [a,b,c]; (%i21) f(x); (%i22) sol; (%i23) for i:1 thru 2 do print("expr = ", expand( subst(sol[i],f(x) ) ) )$ (%i24) ( disp("check roots"), for i thru 2 do print("expr = ", expand( subst( sol[i],f(x) ) ) ) )$ 4.1.4 Checking Solutions using map ---------------------------------- (%i25) solnlist : map( rhs, sol ); (%i26) map( f, solnlist ); (%i27) expand(%); (%i28) expand( map(f, map(rhs, sol) ) ); 4.1.8 Psuedo-PostFix Code: %% ---------------------------------- (%i29) ( map(rhs,sol), map(f,%%), expand(%%) ); 4.1.9 Using an Expression Rather than a Function with Solve ---------------------------------- (%i1) ex : a*x^2 + b*x + c$ (%i2) sol : solve( ex, x ); (%i3) s1 : sol[1]; (%i4) r1 : subst(s1, ex ); (%i5) expand(r1); (%i6) for i:1 thru 2 do disp( expand( subst( sol[i], ex ) ) )$ (%i7) [a,b,c] : [1,2,3]$ (%i8) [a,b,c]; (%i9) ex; (%i10) ''ex; (%i11) ex; (%i12) f(x); (%i13) f(x) := ex; (%i14) f(y); (%i15) f(x) := ''ex; (%i16) f(y); (%i17) kill(a,b,c); (%i18) f(y); (%i19) solnlist : map(rhs,sol); (%i20) map(f,solnlist); (%i21) expand(%); (%i1) ex : a*x^2 + b*x + c$ (%i2) sol : solve( ex, x ); (%i3) f(x) := ''ex$ (%i4) expand ( map(f, map(rhs, sol) ) ); (%i5) define( f(x),ex ); (%i6) f(y); (%i7) expand ( map(f, map(rhs, sol) ) ); (%i8) expand( map(lambda([x],''ex), map(rhs,sol) ) ); 4.1.10 Escape Speed from the Earth ------------------------------------ (%i1) energy : m*v^2/2 - G*M*m/r; (%i2) e0 : energy,v=v0,r=R; (%i3) efinal : limit(energy,r,inf),v=vf; (%i4) v0soln : solve(efinal = e0,v0); (%i5) v0soln : v0soln[2]; (%i6) v0; (%i7) v0 : rhs( v0soln ); (%i8) vescape : ev( v0, vf = 0 ); (%i09) ev( vescape, [G=6.673e-11,M=5.974e24,R=6.378e6] ); (%i10) float(%); (%i11) clist : [G=6.673e-11,M=5.974e24,R=6.378e6]; (%i12) ev( vescape, clist, float ); (%i13) fpprintprec:8$ (%i14) ev( vescape, clist, float ); (%i15) clist; 4.1.11 Cubic Equation or Expression ------------------------------------ (%i1) ex : x^3 + x^2 + x$ (%i2) sol : solve(ex); (%i3) define( f(x), ex )$ (%i4) expand ( map(f, map(rhs, sol) ) ); (%i5) [x1,x2,x3] : map(rhs,sol); (%i6) x1; 4.1.12 Trigonometric Equation or Expression --------------------------------------- (%i1) [fpprintprec:8,display2d:false]$ (%i2) ex : sin(x)^2 -2*sin(x) -3$ (%i3) sol : solve(ex); (%i4) define( f(x), ex )$ (%i5) expand ( map(f, map(rhs, sol) ) ); (%i6) numroots : float( map(rhs, sol) ); (%i7) rr : realroots(ex); (%i8) map(solve, rr); (%i18) plot2d([0.0,ex3],[x,-6,6],[y,-5,5] )$ 4.1.13 Equation or Expression Containing Logarithmic Functions --------------------------------------------- (%i1) [fpprintprec:8,display2d:false,ratprint:false]$ (%i2) ex : log(0.25*(2*x+5)) - 0.5*log(5*x - 5)$ (%i3) sol : solve(ex,x),solveradcan; (%i4) ex : fullratsimp(ex); (%i5) ex : logcontract(ex); (%i6) sol : solve(ex ); (%i7) define( f(x), ex )$ (%i8) expand( map(f, map(rhs,sol) ) ); 4.2 One Equation Numerical Solutions: allroots, realroots, find_root =================================================== (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) [multiplicities,rootsepsilon,programmode]; (%i3) polyfactor; 4.2.1 Comparison of realroots with allroots ------------------------------------------ (%i4) ex : x^5 + x^4 -4*x^3 +2*x^2 -3*x -7$ (%i5) define( fex(x), ex )$ (%i6) rr : float( map(rhs, realroots(ex,1e-20) ) ); (%i7) frr : map( fex, rr ); (%i8) ar1 : map(rhs, allroots( ex ) ); (%i9) far1 : expand( map( fex, ar1 ) ); (%i10) ar2 : map(rhs, allroots( %i*ex ) ); (%i11) far2 : expand( map( fex, ar2 ) ); (%i12) far2 - far1; 4.2.2 Intersection Points of Two Polynomials -------------------------------------------- (%i1) fpprintprec : 8$ (%i2) hx : x^3 - 8*x^2 + 19*x - 12$ (%i3) kx : x^2/2 -x -1/8$ (%i4) rx : hx - kx; (%i5) factor(rx); (%i6) define( fr(x), rx )$ (%i7) allroots(rx); (%i8) rr : float( realroots(rx) ); (%i9) rr : map( rhs, rr); (%i10) map(fr, rr); (%i11) display2d : false$ (%i12) sx : solve(rx); (%i13) sx1 : map(rhs, sx); (%i14) sx2 : rectform(sx1); (%i15) sx3 : trigsimp(sx2); (%i16) sx4 : float(sx3); (%i17) float( map(fr, sx3) ); (%i18) float( expand( map(fr, sx3) ) ); (%i19) float( trigsimp( expand( map(fr, sx3) ) ) ); (%i20) plot2d([hx,kx,rx],[x,0,5], [style, [lines,2,1], [lines,2,2], [lines,2,0] ], [legend, "hx", "kx", "rx=hx - rx"], [gnuplot_preamble, " set xzeroaxis lw 2 "])$ 4.2.3 Transcendental Equations and Roots: find_root ------------------------------------- (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) plot2d( x - cos(x), [ x, 0, 1 ], [style, [lines, 4, 1] ], [xlabel," plot of x - cos(x) "], [gnuplot_preamble, "set nokey; set xzeroaxis lw 2 "] )$ (%i3) find_root( x - cos(x),x, 0, 1); (%i4) ex : x - cos(x)$ (%i5) [find_root( ex, x, 0, 1),find_root( ex, 0, 1)]; (%i6) define( f(x), ex )$ (%i7) [find_root(f(x), x, 0, 1), find_root(f(x), 0, 1), find_root(f, 0, 1), find_root(f, x, 0, 1)]; (%i8) ev(ex, x = first(%) ); % eps file plot % plot2d( [0.0, x - cos(x)],[x,-5,5], % [style, [lines,4,4], [lines,4,1] ], % [xlabel," plot of x - cos(x) "], % [gnuplot_preamble, "set nokey; set yzeroaxis lw 4 "], % [gnuplot_term,ps], [gnuplot_out_file,"c:/work2/trans1.eps"])$ % % eps file plot for second example f(x) % plot2d( [0.0, f(x)],[x,0,5], % [style, [lines,4,4], [lines,4,1] ], % [xlabel," plot of f(x) "], % [gnuplot_preamble, "set nokey "], % [gnuplot_term,ps], [gnuplot_out_file,"c:/work2/trans2.eps"])$ (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) f(x):= cos(x/%pi)*exp(-(x/4)^2) - sin(x^(3/2)) - 5/4$ (%i3) plot2d( f(x),[x,0,5], [style, [lines,4,1] ], [xlabel," plot of f(x) "],[ylabel," "], [gnuplot_preamble, "set nokey; set xzeroaxis lw 2 "] )$ (%i4) [find_root(f,2.5,2.6), find_root(f, x, 2.5, 2.6), find_root(f(x),x,2.5,2.6), find_root(f(y),y,2.5,2.6)]; (%i5) [x1 : find_root(f,2.5,2.6),x2 : find_root(f, 2.9, 3.0 )]; (%i6) float( map(f, [x1,x2] ) ); 4.2.4 find_root: Quote that Function! -------------------------------------------- (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) find_root(diff(cos(2*x)*sin(3*x)/(1+x^2),x), x, 0, 0.5); (%i3) ex : trigsimp( diff(cos(2*x)*sin(3*x)/(1+x^2),x) ); (%i4) plot2d([0.0,ex],[x,-3,3])$ (%i5) find_root(ex,x,0,0.5); (%i6) ex1 : 'diff(cos(2*x)*sin(3*x)/(1+x^2),x); (%i7) find_root(ev(ex1,diff),x,0,0.5); (%i8) g(x) := 'diff(cos(2*x)*sin(3*x)/(1+x^2),x); (%i9) k(x) := ev(g(x),diff); (%i10) find_root(k(x),x,0,0.5); (%i11) find_root( ev(g(x),diff),x,0,0.5 ); (%i12) find_root( k, 0, 0.5 ); (%i13) f(x) := x - cos(x)$ (%i14) [find_root( f, 0, 1), find_root( 'f, 0, 1), find_root( '(f), 0, 1), find_root( f(x), x, 0, 1), find_root( '( f(x)), 'x, 0, 1),find_root( '( f(x)), x, 0, 1), find_root( 'f(x), x, 0, 1)]; ---------------------------- (%i1) fpprintprec : 8$ (%i2) ex : integrate(2*'y,'y,sqrt(5),x); (%i3) ex : expand(ex); (%i4) define( f(x), ex ); (%i5) solve( ex ); (%i6) rr : float( map(rhs,%) ); (%i7) map(f,rr); (%i8) find_root(f,0,4); (%i9) g(x) := block([numer,keepfloat,y], numer:true,keepfloat:true, integrate(2*y,y,sqrt(5),x) )$ (%i10) map(g, [1,2,3]); (%i11) map(f, [1,2,3]); (%i12) [find_root( g, 1, 4), find_root( g(x),x,1,4), find_root( '(g(x)),'x,1,4 ), find_root( 'g(x),x,1,4 )]; (%i13) quad_qags(2*'y,'y,sqrt(5),2); (%i14) g(2.0); (%i15) h(x) := block([numer,keepfloat,y,qlist], numer:true,keepfloat:true, qlist : quad_qags(2*y,y,sqrt(5),x), qlist[1] )$ (%i16) map(h,[1,2,3]); (%i17) map(g,[1,2,3]); (%i18) find_root( h(x),x,1,4); (%i19) [find_root( h, 1, 4),find_root( '(h(x)),'x,1,4 ), find_root( '(h(x)),x,1,4 ),find_root( 'h(x),x,1,4 )]; 4.2.5 newton ----------------------------- (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) load (newton1); (%o2) C:/PROGRA~1/MAXIMA~3.0/share/maxima/5.14.0/share/numeric/newton1.mac (%i3) newton (cos (u), u, 1, 1/100); (%i4) ev (cos (u), u = %); (%i5) assume (a > 0); (%i6) newton (x^2 - a^2, x, a/2, a^2/100); (%i7) ev (x^2 - a^2, x = %); (%i8) solve( cos(x) ); (%i9) float(%); (%i10) solve( x^2 - a^2,x ); ------------- newton(exp,var,x0,eps):= block([xn,s,numer], numer:true, s:diff(exp,var), xn:x0, loop, if abs(subst(xn,var,exp))