file mbe1code.txt has Maxima code for Maxima by Example, Chapter 1, Introduction to Maxima. Edwin L Woollett, Aug. 11, 2009 1.1 What is Maxima? 1.2 Which Maxima Interface Should You Use? 1.3 Using the wxMaxima Interface 1.3.1 Rational Simplification with ratsimp and fullratsimp (%i1) expr: (x^(a/2) + 1)^2*(x^(a/2) - 1)^2/(x^a - 1); (%i2) expr, ratsimp; (%i3) expr, fullratsimp; (%i4) rat (expr); 1.4 Using the Xmaxima Interface (%i1) a:45; (%i2) b:30; (%i3) a:48; 1.5 Creating and Using a Startup File: maxima-init.mac (%i1) maxima_userdir; (%i2) load(qfft); (%i3) load("qfft.mac"); (%i4) load("c:/work2/qfft.mac"); -------------------- (%i1) maxima_userdir; (%i2) load(qfft)$ (%i3) functions; (%i4) mclean(); (%i1) functions; (%i2) kill(all); (%i1) functions; 1.6 Maxima Expressions, Numbers, Operators, Constants, and Reserved Words (%i1) x^2+3; (%i2) 2^3^4; (%i3) 2^(3^4); (%i4) (2^3)^4; (%i5) float( [%e,%pi,%phi,%gamma] ); (%i6) Solve(x):= x^2; (%i7) Solve(3); 1.7 Input and Output Examples (%i1) x/(x^3+1); (%i2) display2d:false$ (%i3) %o1; (%i4) display2d:true$ (%i5) %o1; (%i6) % + %; (%i7) sin(x - %pi/2); 1.8 Maxima Power Tools at Work 1.8.1 The Functions apropos and describe (%i1) apropos(exp); (%i2) ? exp 1.8.2 The Function ev and the Properties evflag and evfun (%i1) x+y, x = a+y; (%i2) %, y = 2; (%i3) x+y, x = a+y, y = 2; (%i4) x+y, [x = a+y, y = 2]; ---------- (%i1) eqns : [-2*x -3*y = 3, -3*x +2*y = -4]$ (%i2) solns : solve (eqns); (%i3) eqns, solns; ---------- (%i1) solve ( a^4 + 1 ); (%i2) % , rectform, ratsimp; (%i3) %^4, ratsimp; (%i4) [exponentialize,float,numer,simp]; (%i5) properties(exponentialize); (%i6) properties(numer); (%i7) properties(float); (%i8) properties(simp); (%i9) [ ev (exp(3/29), numer ), ev (exp(3/29), float) ]; (%i10) [ ev (exp (%pi*3/29), numer), ev (exp (%pi*3/29), float) ]; (%i11) 2*cos(w*t) + 3*sin(w*t), exponentialize, expand; (%i12) [diff,expand,integrate,nouns]; (%i13) properties(expand); (%i14) (a+b)*(c+d); (%i15) (a+b)*(c+d),expand; (%i16) ev((a+b)*(c+d),expand); 1.8.3 The List functions and the Function fundef (%i1) functions; (%i2) fundef(rtt); (%i3) fundef(cos); 1.8.4 The Function kill and the List values (%i1) kill(rtt); (%i2) functions; (%i3) [ a:2, b:5, e: x^2/3 ]; (%i4) values; 1.8.5 Examples of map, fullmap, apply, grind, and args (%i1) map('f, [x, y, z] ); (%i2) map('f, x + y + z); (%i3) map('f, [a*x,b*exp(y),c*log(z)]); (%i4) map('f, a*x + b*exp(y) + c*log(z) ); (%i5) e : x/(x^2+x)+(y^2+y)/y ; (%i6) e, ratsimp; (%i7) map('ratsimp,e); (%i8) map( "=", [x,y,z],[a,b,c] ); (%i9) expr : 2*%pi + 3*exp(-4); (%i10) map('f, expr); (%i11) fullmap('f, expr); (%i12) apply('f, [x,y,z]); (%i13) apply("+",[x,y,z]); (%i14) dataL : [ [1,2], [2,4] ]$ (%i15) dataM : apply('matrix, dataL ); (%i16) grind(%)$ (%i17) args(dataM); 1.8.6 Examples of subst, ratsubst, part, and substpart (%i1) e : f*x^3 + g*cos(x); (%i2) subst ( x = a, e ); (%i3) e1 : subst ( x = a + b, e ); (%i4) e2 : subst ( a + b = y, e1 ); (%i5) e3 : f*x^3 + g*cos(y); (%i6) e4 : subst ( [x = a+b, y = c+d],e3 ); (%i7) subst ([a+b = r, c+d = p],e4 ); (%i8) e : a*f(y) + b*g(x); (%i9) e1 : ratsubst( cos(y),f(y),e ); (%i10) e2 : ratsubst( x^3*sin(x),g(x),e1 ); (%i11) e : a*log(f(y))/(b*exp(f(y))); (%i12) length(e); (%i13) [part(e,0),part(e,1),part(e,2)]; (%i14) substpart("+",e,0); (%i15) length(part(e,1)); (%i16) [part(e,1,0),part(e,1,1),part(e,1,2),part(e,1,3)]; (%i17) length(part(e,1,3)); (%i18) [part(e,1,3,0),part(e,1,3,1)]; (%i19) substpart(sin,e,1,3,0); (%i20) length( part(e,1,3,1) ); (%i21) [part(e,1,3,1,0), part(e,1,3,1,1)]; (%i22) substpart(x,e,1,3,1,1); 1.8.7 Examples of coeff, ratcoef, and collectterms (%i1) ex1 : a1*(b + c/2)^2 + a2*(d + e/3)^3 , expand; (%i2) collectterms(ex1,a1,a2); (%i3) map('factor, %); (%i4) coeff(%, a2); (%i5) coeff(%, e + 3*d, 3); (%i6) ex2 : (a*x + b)^2; (%i7) coeff(ex2,x); (%i8) ratcoeff(ex2,x); (%i9) ratcoef(ex2,x); (%i10) ratcoeff(ex2, x, 0); (%i11) ratcoef(ex2, x, 0); (%i12) eqn : (a*sin(x) + b*cos(x))^3 = c*sin(x)*cos(x); (%i13) ratcoef(eqn,sin(x),0); (%i14) ratcoef(eqn,sin(x)); 1.8.8 Examples of rat, diff, ratdiff, ratexpand, expand, factor, gfactor, and partfrac (%i1) e:(x + 3)^10; (%i2) de1 : diff ( e, x ); (%i3) de1r : ratdiff ( e, x ); (%i4) factor ( de1r ); (%i5) rat(e); (%i6) ratexpand (e); (%i7) expand (e); (%i8) factor (%); (%i9) powerdisp; (%i10) powerdisp : true$ (%i11) %o7; (%i12) powerdisp : false$ (%i13) expr: (x - 1)/(x + 1)^2 + 1/(x - 1); (%i14) expand ( expr ); (%i15) ratexpand ( expr ); (%i16) e : ((2/%pi-1)*(((%pi/2-1)/(%pi-1)-1)*((6*(2/%pi-2*(4-%pi)/%pi)/%pi-(6*(2*(4-%pi) /%pi-(%pi-2)/(%pi/2-1))/(%pi-1)-6*((%pi-2)/(%pi/2-1)-2)*(%pi/2-1) /(%pi*(%pi-1)))/(2*((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1)) +2))) /(((%pi/2-1)/(%pi-1)-1)/(2*((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1))+2))+2) -(6*(2*(2*%pi-5)/%pi-2/%pi)/%pi-(6*(2/%pi-2*(4-%pi)/%pi)/%pi -(6*(2*(4-%pi)/%pi-(%pi-2)/(%pi/2-1))/(%pi-1)-6*((%pi-2)/(%pi/2-1)-2) *(%pi/2-1)/(%pi*(%pi-1)))/(2*((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1))+2))) /(2*(((%pi/2-1)/(%pi-1)-1)/(2*((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1))+2))+2))) /(2*(2-1/(4*(((%pi/2-1)/(%pi-1)-1)/(2*((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1))+2)) +2)))*(((%pi/2-1)/(%pi-1)-1)/(2*((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1)) +2))+2)))/((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1))+2)+(6*(2*(4-%pi)/%pi-(%pi-2) /(%pi/2-1))/(%pi-1)-6*((%pi-2)/(%pi/2-1)-2)*(%pi/2-1)/(%pi*(%pi-1))) /((2/%pi-1)*(%pi/2-1)/(2*(%pi-1))+2))/2+6*((%pi-2)/(%pi/2-1)-2)/%pi) *(x^3-x)/6 + 2*x$ (%i17) ratsimp (e); (%i18) rat (e); (%i19) ratexpand (e); (%i20) gfactor ( x^2 + 1 ); (%i21) e : 1/(1+x)^2 - 2/(1+x) + 2/(2+x); (%i22) e, ratsimp; (%i23) partfrac (%, x); 1.8.9 Examples of integrate, assume, facts and forget (%i1) e : x/(x^3 + 1); (%i2) ie : integrate (e, x); (%i3) diff (ie, x); (%i4) %, ratsimp; (%i5) ratdiff (ie, x); ------------- (%i1) facts(); (%i2) integrate(x*exp(-a*x)*cos(w*x),x,0,inf); (%i3) ( assume(a > 0), facts() ); (%i4) integrate(x*exp(-a*x)*cos(w*x),x,0,inf); (%i5) (forget(a > 0), facts() ); 1.8.10 Numerical Integration and Evaluation: float, bfloat, and quad_qags (%i1) is : integrate( exp(x^3),x,1,2 ) ; (%i2) float(is) ; (%i3) expand(%) ; (%i4) ival : % ; (%i5) bfloat(is), fpprec:20; (%i6) expand(%), fpprec:20; (%i7) tval20: realpart(%); (%i8) abs(ival - tval20); (%i9) float(gamma_incomplete(1/3,-8)); (%i10) float(gamma_incomplete(1/3,-1)); (%i11) quad_qags(exp(x^3),x,1,2); (%i12) abs(first(%) - tval20); 1.8.11 Taylor and Laurent Series Expansion with taylor (%i1) taylor( sin(x),x,0,5 ); (%i2) taylor( cos(x),x,0,5); (%i3) % * %th(2); (%i4) taylor( 1/ (cos(x) - sec(x))^3, x,0,5 ); 1.8.12 Solving Equations: solve, allroots, realroots, and find_root Example 1 (%i1) eqn : x^6 - 1 = 0$ (%i2) solns : solve(eqn); (%i3) for i thru length(solns) do disp ( ev( eqn, solns[i], ratsimp ) )$ (%i4) fpprintprec:8$ (%i5) nsolns : allroots(x^6 - 1); (%i6) for i thru length(nsolns) do disp ( ev( x^6 - 1, nsolns[i],expand ))$ ----------------- Example 2 (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) eqns : [4*x^2 - y^2 - 12 = 0, x*y - x - 2 = 0]$ (%i3) solns : solve(eqns,[x,y]); (%i4) eqns,solns[1],ratsimp; (%i5) for i:2 thru 4 do disp ( ev (eqns, solns[i],expand) )$ (%i6) solns[4]; ---------------- Example 3 (%i1) fpprintprec:8$ (%i2) eqn : 275.0 * exp(-r) + 275.0 * exp(-2*r) + 275.0 * exp(-3*r) + 275.0 * exp(-4*r) + 5275.0 * exp(-5*r) - 4750.0 = 0$ (%i3) rat(eqn),ratprint:false; (%i4) zeqn : ratsubst(z,exp(r),%); (%i5) soln : solve(zeqn); (%i6) rr : realroots(soln[1]); (%i7) zeqn, rr, ratsimp; (%i8) %, numer; (%i9) rr : realroots( soln[1],1.0e-16); (%i10) zeqn, rr, numer; (%i11) rval : log(rhs(rr[1])),numer; (%i12) eqn, r = rval; ------------------ Example 4 (%i1) e : sin(x) - x/2; (%i2) solve(e); (%i3) plot2d(e,[x,0,2*%pi], [style,[lines,5]],[ylabel," "], [xlabel," sin(x) - x/2 " ], [gnuplot_preamble,"set zeroaxis lw 2"])$ (%i4) xr : find_root(e,x,0.1,%pi); (%i5) e, x = xr; -------------------- Example 5, method 1 (%i1) eqn : a*(1-sin(x)) - 2*b*cos(x) = 0$ (%i2) solve ( eqn, x ); (%i3) eqn, exponentialize; (%i4) solns : solve ( %, x ); (%i5) solns : solns, rectform, ratsimp; (%i6) eqn, solns[1], ratsimp; (%i7) eqn, solns[2], ratsimp; (%i8) x2 : atan2(a^2 - 4*b^2, 4*a*b)$ (%i9) eqn, x = x2, ratsimp; (%i10) scanmap( 'factor, % ); ---------------------- Example 5, method 2 (%i1) eqns : [a*(1-s) - 2*b*c = 0, c^2 + s^2 - 1 = 0]$ (%i2) solns : solve ( eqns, [s,c] ); (%i3) eqns, solns[1], ratsimp; (%i4) x1soln : solve ( sin(x) = 1, x ); (%i5) eqn, x1soln, ratsimp; (%i6) eqns, solns[2], ratsimp; (%i7) tan(x) = s/c, solns[2], ratsimp; (%i8) x2soln : solve (%, x), ratsimp; 1.8.13 Non-Rational Simplification: radcan, logcontract, rootscontract, and radexpand (%i1) expr : (exp(x)-1)/(exp(x/2)+1); (%i2) expr, ratsimp; (%i3) expr, radcan; (%i4) logexpr : log ( (x+2)*(x-2) ) + log (x); (%i5) logexpr, ratsimp; (%i6) logexpr, fullratsimp; (%i7) logexpr, radcan; (%i8) %, logcontract; (%i9) logexpr, logcontract; (%i10) sqrt(2)*sqrt(3), radcan; (%i11) sqrt(2)*sqrt(3), rootscontract; (%i12) sqrt(6)*sqrt(3), radcan; (%i13) sqrt(6)*sqrt(3), rootscontract; (%i14) sqrt(6)/sqrt(3), radcan; (%i15) sqrt(6)/sqrt(3), rootscontract; (%i16) sqrt(x^2); (%i17) domain:complex$ (%i18) sqrt(x^2); (%i19) domain:real$ (%i20) sqrt(x^2); (%i21) radexpand; (%i22) sqrt(16*x^2); (%i23) radexpand:all$ (%i24) sqrt(16*x^2); (%i25) radexpand:false$ (%i26) sqrt(16*x^2); 1.8.14 Trigonometric Simplification: trigsimp, trigexpand, trigreduce, and trigrat (%i1) trigsimp(tan(x)); (%i2) sin(x+y), trigexpand; (%i3) x+3*cos(x)^2 - sin(x)^2, trigreduce; (%i4) trigrat ( sin(3*a)/sin(a+%pi/3) ); (%i5) e: sin(x+y), trigexpand; (%i6) e, trigreduce; (%i7) rtt (e); (%i8) e : tan(x+y), trigexpand; (%i9) e, trigreduce; (%i10) %, ratsimp; (%i11) rtt (e); (%i12) trigsimp( tan(x+y) ); (%i13) e : cosh(x + y), trigexpand; (%i14) e, trigreduce; (%i15) rtt (e); (%i16) expand(%); ----------------------- (%i1) e1 : trigexpand( tan(2*x + y) ); (%i2) e2 : tan (2*x + y), trigexpand; (%i3) rtt (e1); (%i4) rtt (e2); (%i5) trigsimp (e1); (%i6) trigsimp (e2); 1.8.15 Complex Expressions: rectform, demoivre, realpart, imagpart, and exponentialize (%i1) cform : [cos(x),sin(x),cosh(x)], exponentialize; (%i2) cform, demoivre; (%i3) cform, rectform; (%i4) realpart ( cform ); (%i5) imagpart ( cform ); 1.8.16 Are Two Expressions Numerically Equivalent? zeroequiv (%i1) e1:cos(x-1)^2; (%i2) e2 : (sin(2)*sin(2*x)+cos(2)*cos(2*x)+1)/2; (%i3) zeroequiv ( e1-e2, x ); 1.9 User Defined Maxima Functions: define, fundef, block, and local 1.9.1 A Function Which Takes a Derivative (%i1) f(y) := y^3; (%i2) f(z); (%i3) f1(x) := diff ( f(x), x); (%i4) f2(x) := ''(diff ( f(x), x)); (%i5) define ( f3(x), diff ( f(x), x) ); (%i6) [f1(z), f2(z), f3(z) ]; (%i7) [f1(1), f2(1), f3(1) ]; (%i8) [f2(1), f3(1)]; (%i9) dplay(g,a,b) := block ( [val1,val2 ], local (dg), define ( dg(y), diff (g(y), y)), val1 : g(a) + dg(a), val2 : g(b) + dg(b), display (val1,val2), val1 + val2)$ (%i10) g(x) := x; (%i11) dplay(g,1,1); (%i12) g(x) := x^2; (%i13) dplay(g,1,2); (%i14) dg(3); ---------------------- (%i1) f1(x):=print (x)$ (%i2) define ( f2(x), print (x) )$ (%i3) fundef (f1); (%i4) fundef (f2); (%i5) f1(5); (%i6) f2(5); (%i7) define (f(x), optimize (horner (taylor (tanh(x),x,0,8),x))); (%i8) f(0.1); (%i9) g(x) := optimize (horner (taylor (tanh(x),x,0,8),x)); (%i10) g(0.1); 1.9.2 Lambda Expressions (%i1) functions; (%i2) f : lambda([x,y],x^2 + y^3); (%i3) f (1,1); (%i4) f(2,a); (%i5) apply ( f, [1,2] ); (%i6) functions; (%i7) map ( 'sin, [1,2,3] ); (%i8) map ( lambda([x],x^2 + sin(x) ),[1,2,3] ); (%i9) lambda ([x],x+1 )(3); 1.9.3 Recursive Functions; factorial and trace (%i1) myfac(n) := if n = 0 then 1 else n*myfac(n-1)$ (%i2) map ('myfac, [0,1,2,3,4] ); (%i3) [0!,1!,2!,3!,4!]; (%i4) map ('factorial, [0,1,2,3,4] ); (%i5) trace (myfac); (%i6) myfac(4); (%i7) untrace(myfac); (%i8) [myfac(4),factorial(4),4!]; ------------------------- (%i1) p(n,x) := if n=0 then 1 elseif n=1 then x else expand( ( (2*n-1)/n )*x*p(n-1,x) - ((n-1)/n)*p(n-2,x) )$ (%i2) [p(0,x),p(1,x),p(2,x),p(3,x)]; (%i3) map ( lambda([nn], p (nn,x) ),[0,1,2] ); (%i4) map ( lambda([nn], expand (legendre_p (nn,x))),[0,1,2] ); 1.9.4 Non-Recursive Subscripted Functions (Hashed Arrays) (%i1) f[k](x) := x^k + 1; (%i2) arrays; (%i3) makelist ( f[nn](y),nn,0,3 ); (%i4) arrayinfo(f); (%i5) map ( lambda ( [m], f[m](y) ), [0,1,2,3] ); --------------------------- (%i1) h[nn] := lambda ([xx], xx^nn + 1); (%i2) arrays; (%i3) arrayinfo(h); (%i4) h[2]; (%i5) arrayinfo(h); (%i6) h[2](y); (%i7) map ( lambda ( [mm], h[mm](x) ),[0,1,2,3] ); (%i8) arrayinfo(h); 1.9.5 Recursive Hashed Arrays and Memoizing (%i1) arrays; (%i2) a[n] := n*a[n-1]$ (%i3) a[0] : 1$ (%i4) arrays; (%i5) arrayinfo(a); (%i6) a[4]; (%i7) arrayinfo(a); (%i8) a[n] := n/2$ (%i9) a[4]; (%i10) a[7]; (%i11) arrayinfo(a); 1.9.6 Recursive Subscripted Maxima Functions (%i1) ( p[n](x) := expand(((2*n-1)/n)*x*p [n-1](x) - ((n-1)/n)*p [n-2](x) ), p [0](x) := 1, p [1](x) := x ) $ (%i2) makelist( p[m](x),m,0,4 ); (%i3) arrays; (%i4) arrayinfo(p); (%i5) [p[3](x),p[3](y)]; (%i6) map ( lambda([nn], p[nn](x)),[0,1,2,3] ); (%i7) ( a:1, b:2/3, c : cos(4/3) )$ (%i8) [ a:1, b:2/3, c : cos(4/3) ]; 1.9.7 Floating Point Numbers from a Maxima Function (%i1) ( p[n](x) := expand(((2*n-1)/n)*x*p [n-1](x) - ((n-1)/n)*p [n-2](x) ), p [0](x) := 1, p [1](x) := x ) $ (%i2) p3 : p[3](x); (%i3) p3t : p3, x = 8/10; (%i4) float(p3t); (%i5) ?print(%); (%i6) p3f : p3, x = 0.8; (%i7) ?print(%); (%i8) abs (p3f - p3t); (%i9) abs (%o4 - p3t); (%i10) ?print(%); (%i11) define (P3(y), p[3](y))$ (%i12) P3(x); (%i13) P3f1 : float (P3(8/10)); (%i14) ?print(%); (%i15) P3f2 : P3(0.8); (%i16) ?print(%); (%i17) abs (P3f2 - P3f1); (%i18) ?print(a + b)$ (%i19) :lisp $_ (%i19) :lisp #$a+b$ (%i19) ?print( a/b )$ (%i20) :lisp $_ (%i20) :lisp #$a / b$ (%i21) bfloat(2/25),fpprec:30; (%i22) ?print(%); (%i23) p3, x = 8/10; (%i24) :lisp $_ (%i24) :lisp #$ p3, x=8/10 $ 1.10 Pulling Out Overall Factors from an Expression (%i1) e1 : x*(A*cos(d1)^3 - A*cos(d2)^3); (%i2) A * ratsimp (e1/A); (%i3) rat (e1); (%i4) e2 : x*(A*a*b1 - A*a*b2); (%i5) A*a*ratsimp ( e2/( A*a)); (%i6) factor(e2); (%i7) rat(e2); (%i8) factor (e1); 1.11 Construction and Use of a Test Suite File (%i1) display2d:false$ (%i2) 2.0/3; (%i3) ?print(%); (%i4) batch ("mytest.mac",test )$ 1.12 History of Maxima's Development