PCR Lesson 28 Homework 2 Name I. Write or type the following phrases in Chinese: to make a phone call afternoon morning Chinese Embassy to eat lunch to eat dinner to watch the football match to win to lose fair really angry (annoy people) luggage to skate winter referee hat, cap a pair shoe II. Answer the following questions in Chinese: 帕蘭卡什麼時候給古波打電話﹖ 古波在不在﹖他去哪兒了﹖ 他下午又去哪兒了﹖ 誰跟誰比賽﹖ 誰贏了﹖誰輸了﹖ 大學生隊踢得好不好﹖ 古波的行李準備得怎麼樣了﹖ 帕蘭卡還想買什麼﹖ 古波要送給帕蘭卡什麼﹖ 帕蘭卡要古波買什麼﹖ 他們什麼時候去商店﹖ III. Re-write Lesson 28 in the third person. You may start with: 帕蘭卡昨天上午給古波打電話﹐可是古波不在。他去中國大使館辦簽證了。