Dill Pickles: What the hell are they?

Well, there are several theories floating around in my head about this. The first is that they were at one point perfectly normal pickles, that somehow, due to a freak accident during the "cooking" process became the hidious little nubs they are. Another of my theories is that they took little baby cucumbers, and instead of marinating them in brine, like normal people, they soaked them in some sort of broth having someting to do with dill weed.

Now in my humble opinion, I say dill pickles are disgusting. If you are going to make a pickle, it has to be so hard to pallette that it can't even be eaten between the hours of one and seven in the morning. Now to make a benign little pickle that's light and relatively inert is absolutely pointless, especially since I don't know what's in 'em.

And what about bread n' butter pickles, eh? Well, take a nice peice of toast - tastes good, right? OK, now put on some nice, warm, melty butter - Mmmmm. Now - dip it in brine, and you get a soggy, greasy, wheat pickle! Hell with it!