HyperCard the Easy Way Index

HyperCard Terms* Index

HyperCard and HyperTalk terms from the book
HyperCard the Easy Way

Select a HyperCard term from the table below for more information about that term and examples of its use.

ABBREVIATED (format word)

Syntax: abbr[ev[iated]]

Used to abbreviate the value returned by the date function or the name or ID property.

ABS (function)

Syntax: the abs of number

Returns the absolute value of a number. If the number is negative, it will make it positive.

ADD (command)

Syntax: add number to container

Adds the number to the value in the container and replaces that number with the new value. The container must have a number in it to begin with or an error will occur.

AFTER (preposition)

Used with put to append values or text to the end of the previous contents of a container.

ALL (adjective)

When referring to cards, can replace a number. Primarily used with show and print.

AND (operator)

Syntax: expression and expression

Returns true if both the expression to the left and to the right are true. Returns false if either expression is false.

ANNUITY (function)

Syntax: annuity(rate,periods)

Used to calculate the present or future value of an ordinary annuity. Arguments must be numeric.

ANSWER (command)

Syntax: answer prompt [with option [or option [or option]]]

Displays a dialog box to tell the user something or to get them to make a choice from up to three options.

ANSWER FILE (command)

Syntax: answer file prompt [of type string|file typelist]

Displays the standard file-open dialog box that shows all files of the type(s) shown in the argument (optional). If no argument is used, all files are displayed. Also see ask file.

ANY (ordinal)

Syntax: any chunkexpression

Used with commands to identify, select, or test a random element or chunk.

ARROW (cursor shape)

Sets the cursor to the arrow shape (which is one of eight predefined cursor shapes). (Also see SET.)

ARROWKEY (system message)

Syntax: arrowkey left|right|up|down

A message sent to the currently open card to indicate that an arrow key (left, right, up, down) has been pressed.

ASK (command)

Syntax: ask prompt [with answer]
ask password [clear] prompt [with answer]

Displays a dialog box with the prompt message. The user can enter text in response. User's response is stored in the variable it. If password form is used, password is encrypted before being returned unless "clear" option is included. Also see answer.

ASK FILE (command)

Syntax: ask file prompt [with filename]

Displays the standard file-save dialog box with the indicated prompt and the optional "with" argument as the default file name to use. Also see answer file.

ATAN (function)

Syntax: the atan of angle

Returns the arc tangent (inverse tangent) of a number. The function returns the result in radians.

AUTOHILITE (property)

Used to set or get the highlight of a button when it is clicked. The value can be true or false.

AUTOTAB (property)

Determines how a Return key will be treated when pressed in the last line of a non-scrolling field. The value can be true (treated as a tab) or false (inserts a carriage return).

AVERAGE (function)

Syntax: average(number-list)

Used to get the average value from among a group of numbers.

BACK (navigation word)

Refers to the card previous to current card in the sequence of cards seen recently (can be viewed using the Recent option).

BARN DOOR (visual effect)

Syntax: barn door {open|close}

One of the custom effects used with the visual effect command. There is no default value.

BEEP (command)

Syntax: beep [count]

Causes the Mac to make a beeping sound the number of times specified by the number entered as count. If a number for count is not included, it will beep only once.

BEFORE (preposition)

Used with put to insert a new value or text before the current contents of a container.

BLACK (adjective)

Used with visual effect to create a black screen before the destination card is displayed.

BLINDTYPING (property)

Used to set or get the ability to type messages into the message box (and send them with a carriage return) without the message box being visible on the screen.

BOTTOM (function)

Syntax: the bot[tom] of object

Returns an integer which represents the bottom edge of an object.

BOTTOMRIGHT (function)

Syntax: the bot[tom]right of object

Returns two integers, separated by a comma, which represent the lower right corner of an object.

BROWSE (tool name)

Tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

BRUSH (tool name)

A paint-type tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

BRUSH SHAPE (painting property)

Defines the shape of the brush to be used in painting operations.

BUCKET (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

BUSY (cursor shape)

Sets the cursor to a beach ball shape (which is one of eight predefined cursor shapes). (Also see SET.)

BUTTON (object type or tool name)

A type of HyperCard object. Also the name of a tool.

CANTABORT (property)

Determines whether or not scripts in a stack can be interrupted with the Command-Period key combination. Returns true or false.

CANTDELETE (property)

Determines whether a user can delete an object. Returns true or false.

CANTMODIFY (property)

Determines whether a user can delete, compact, or otherwise change the contents of a stack. Returns true or false.

CANTPEEK (property)

Determines whether or not the user can examine buttons and fields by using the Command + Option or the Command + Option + Shift key combinations. Returns true or false.

CARD (object type)

Used to refer to one HyperCard screen of information. Used in chunk expressions, with the go command and with show.

CENTERED (painting property)

Shapes are drawn from their centers out rather than from their top-left corners. Can be true or false.

CHARACTER (chunk type)

Syntax: char[acter]

Characters can be selected using one of the chunking techniques. Also see word, line, and items.

CHARTONUM (function)

Syntax: the chartonum of char

Returns the ASCII value of a specified character.

CHECKERBOARD (visual effect)

One of the custom effects used with the visual effect command.

CHECKMARK (property)

Determines whether or not a menu item is displayed with a checkmark. Returns true or false.

CHOOSE (command)

Syntax: choose toolname

When used in a HyperTalk script, selects the specified tool named as if it had been chosen from the Tools menu.

CLICK (command)

Syntax: click at point [with keylist]

A HyperTalk term that simulates a mouse being clicked at the screen address given in point.

CLICKCHUNK (function)

Returns the text chunk when the mouse is clicked in a field containing text.

CLICKH (function)

Returns the location for the horizontal point on the screen where the mouse was clicked. Also see clickloc and clickv.

CLICKLINE (function)

Returns the line in the field where the mouse was clicked.

CLICKLOC (function)

Returns the horizontal and vertical coordinates for the point on the screen where the mouse was clicked.

CLICKTEXT (function)

Returns the word or phrase in a text field where the mouse was clicked. Will return a single word unless multiple words have a style of "grouped," in which case it returns the entire set of grouped words.

CLICKV (function)

Returns a position address for the vertical point on the screen where the mouse was clicked.

CLOSE (command)

Used to close or interrupt a number of different HyperCard functions.


Used to stop printing when open printing command has been used to print selected cards from a stack in HyperCard.

CLOSEBACKGROUND (system message)

Sent when the user exits the background mode.

CLOSECARD (system message)

Sent when a card is closed.

CLOSEFIELD (system message)

Sent to a field when the user finishes entering or changing text and clicks outside the field (only sent if the field is NOT locked).

CLOSESTACK (system message)

Sent when a stack is closed and another stack is opened.

CMDCHAR (property)

Syntax: cmdchar commandchar

Defines the Command-key equivalent for a menu item (requires a single-character argument).


Used to get the position of the Command key. Returns the constant "up" if the command key is not pressed and "down" if it is pressed.

COMMANDKEYDOWN (system message)

Sent when the user types with the Command key down.

COMPOUND (function)

Syntax: compound(rate,period)

Used to calculate the present or future value of a compound interest bearing account. Also see annuity.

CONTAINS (operator)

Syntax: container contains value

Used to check if the text string yielded by the expression on the right can be found anywhere in the text string yielded by the expression on its left. If a string is found, it returns the logical value true.

CONTROLKEY (system message)

Syntax: controlkey key-number

Sent to a card when the Control key is held down and then another key is pressed (returns the number of the second key that was pressed).

CONVERT (command)

Syntax: convert container to format

Used to change the date and time values in a container to a variety of formats.
COS (function)

Syntax: the cos of angle

Used to get the cosine of an angle.

CREATE MENU (command)

Syntax: create menu menuname

Used to add a new menu to the menubar with a specified name. Also see delete, put, and reset menubar for other menu-related commands.

CREATE STACK (command)

Syntax: create stack stackname

Creates a stack with a specified name. Differs from doMenu "New Stack..." in that it does not generate a dialog box for the user to respond to.

CURSOR (property)

A name or number that identifies the cursor resource in the current environment. (Also see SET.)

CURVE (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a HyperTalk script.

DATE (function)

Syntax: the [short|long|abbrev[iated]] date

Used to get the date that is currently set in your computer. You can specify one of three formats (short, long, or abbreviated).


Sets a checkpoint at the current point in a script.

DEBUGGER (property)

Global property that determines the name of an XCMD debugger to be used.

DELETE (command)

Syntax: delete chunk [of card]
delete menu menuname
delete menuitem of menu menuname

Deletes text, a menu, or a menuitem.

DELETE BUTTON (system message)

Sent when a button is deleted.

DELETE CARD (system message)

Sent when a card is deleted.

DELETE FIELD (system message)

Sent when a field is deleted.

DELETE MENU (command)

Syntax: delete menu menuname

Removes a specified menu from the menubar.

DELETE STACK (system message)

Sent when a stack is deleted.

DIAL (command)

Syntax: dial number
dial number with modem
dial number with modem string

Used to generate touchtone dialing sounds over the Macintosh speaker or to a modem via the serial port.

DIALOG BOX (general)

A box that appears on the screen requesting information or a decision (sometimes referred to as an alert box).

DISABLE (command)

Syntax: disable [menuitem of] menu menuname

Disables the specified menu or menu item. The menuitem can be the name of the menu item, its position in the menu, or evaluate to one of these. The same classes of arguments can apply to the menu. Also see enable.

DISKSPACE (function)

Returns the number of bytes left on the disk drive that is currently logged.

DISSOLVE (visual effect)

One of the custom effects used with the visual effect command.

DIVIDE (command)

Syntax: divide destination by source

Used to divide the value of destination by the value of source. The destination is replaced by the quotient. The destination must have a number in it or an error will occur.

DO (command)

Syntax: do text string

Causes HyperCard to take whatever is in text string or the source of text string and interpret as a HyperTalk command.

DOMENU (command)

Syntax: domenu menuitem

Used to simulate a user selection of the indicated menu item. menuitem must match exactly the name of a selection on a currently active and available menu.

DONE (keyword)

This is the value returned by the sound function when no sound is playing.

DONTSEARCH (property)

Specifies whether text contained in specified fields (or in all fields on a particular card or background) should be skipped by the find command. Returns true or false.

DONTWRAP (property)

Determines whether text in a field should wrap at the right edge of a field. Returns true or false.

DOWN (constant)

One of the values returned by the functions mouse, commandkey, optionkey, and shiftkey. Also see up.

DRAG (command)

Syntax: drag from point to point [with keylist]

Moving the mouse while holding down the mouse button. A HyperTalk term used to simulate dragging with the tool currently selected. When used with keylist option the command form of drag can be used to simulate dragging while holding down a specified command key at the same time.

DRAGSPEED (property)

Used to set the rate at which dragging that is specified in a script will occur (in pixels per second).

EDIT SCRIPT (command)

Syntax: edit script of object

Used to open an object's script dialog box so that the user can edit it. This command is functional only when the userlevel is set to 5.

EDITBKGND (property)

Syntax: set editbkgnd to {true|false}

Used to specify the background level for scripting operations (set to true to go into the background mode or false to exit the background mode).

EMPTY (constant)

Used with put command and when performing conditional tests on containers, variables, and fields.

ENABLE (command)

Syntax: enable [menuitem of] menu menuname

Activates the specified menu or menu item. The menuitem can be the name of the menu item, its position in the menu, or evaluate to one of these. The same classes of arguments can apply to the menu. Also see disable.

ENABLED (command)

Indicates whether a menu or a menuitem is enabled or disabled. Returns true or false.

END (keyword)

Syntax: end handler-name

Required on the last line of a handler to end its activity. Also see on.

ENTERINFIELD (system message)

Sent to a field when the Enter key is pressed while the cursor is in a field.

ENTERKEY (system message)

Sent to a card when the Enter key is pressed.

ERASER (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

EXIT (command)

Syntax: exit handler-name
exit repeat

Used to skip the rest of the lines in a handler or a repeat loop.

EXITFIELD (system message)

Sent to a field when the user exits a field without having changed anything in the field. Also see closefield.

EXP (function)

Syntax: the exp of number

Used to get the exponential of the specified number.

EXP1 (function)

Syntax: the exp1 of number

Returns 1 less than the exponential of the specified number.

EXP2 (function)

Syntax: the exp2 of number

Returns the value of 2 raised to the power of the specified number.

EXPORT PAINT (command)

Syntax: export paint to file filename

Saves the graphic image of the current card to the specified file. Can only be used when a paint tool has been selected. Also see import paint.

FALSE (constant)

One of the two conditions tested by the if statement, or returned by the evaluation of a logical expression. Also see true.

FAST (adjective)

Used with the visual effect command when you want the effect to execute quickly.

FIELD (tool name or container)

A tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script. Used to select a field. A field is also a type of HyperCard container that can hold text.

FILLED (painting property)

Used to set the draw filled setting in the Paint Menu to true. When true, the current paint pattern will flow into shapes as they are being drawn.

FIND (command)

Syntax: find text [in field fieldname][of marked cards]
find word text [in field fieldname][of marked cards]
find whole text [in field fieldname][of marked cards]
find string text [in field fieldname][of marked cards]

Used to search all card and background fields of a stack for text. The field option restricts the search to a specified field. The marked cards option restricts the search to previously marked cards. The find command can be used to find a match at beginnings of words, characters within words, whole words and exact matches including spaces. If the specified text is found, HyperCard displays it with a box around it. If not found, the function the result is set to "not found." With out qualifiers, text is found only at the beginnings of words. The chars option finds the specified text anywhere in a word. The whole option finds only exact matches (including spaces).

FIRST (ordinal)

Syntax: first chunkexpression

Used with commands to test, identify or select the first element or chunk.


Determines whether the textheight remains fixed regardless of changes in the textsize property of the field. Returns true or false.

FOLDER (general)

The Macintosh method of grouping files that is represented with an icon that looks like a file folder.

FONT (general)

A typeface style: a collection of characters with a similar, identifiable look.

FORMFEED (constant)

Can be inserted into a string to cause the printer to eject a page.

FOUNDCHUNK (function)

Returns an expression that identifies the location of the text found with a find command.

FOUNDLINE (function)

Returns the field number and the line number where text was found with a find command.

FOUNDTEXT (function)

Returns the text found with a find command.

FREESIZE (property)

Used to get the amount of free space (bytes) left in a stack after deleting cards or other objects. This space can be recovered by compacting the stack.

FUNCTION (keyword)

Syntax: end function name

Required as the first word on the first line of a function handler (use the word "end" and the function name to end the function handler).

FUNCTIONKEY (system message)

Syntax: functionKey number

Sent to a card when a function key is pressed (returns the number of the function key that was pressed, but only if the extended keyboard is used).

GET (command)

Syntax: get source-expression

Used to evaluate any source or complex expression and put the result into the local variable named it. Also see put.

GLOBAL (command)

Syntax: global name-list

Used to identify a variable that is to be accessed outside the current handler.

GO (command)

Syntax: go [to] ordinal
go [to] position
go [to] card cardname [of background backgroundname] [of stack]
go [to] background [of stack stackname]
go to stack stackname
go to [card cardname of] [background backgroundname of] stack stackname [in a new window] [without dialog]

Used to navigate to a different card (in the same stack or in a different stack). If the without dialog option is specified and destination stack or card cannot be found, HyperCard displays an error dialog box instead of asking the user to specify the location. If the in new window option is specified, a different stack is opened in a new window, leaving the current stack open in an inactive window.

GRAY, GREY (adjective)

Syntax: visual effect to gray

Used in visual effects to create a gray screen before another card is displayed.

GRID (painting property)

Used to constrain certain painting operations to a grid of lines of eight-pixel intervals.

GROUP (text style)

Used to group text strings together so that they can be treated as one text string.

HBARLOC (property)

Syntax: set the hbarloc of window

Determines the location of the Variable Watcher window. Also see vbarloc.

HEIGHT (function)

Syntax: the height of object

Used to obtain the distance (in pixels) between the top and bottom of the rectangle of the object.

HELP (command)

Sent to a card when Help is selected from the Go menu (you can intercept this message to provide your own help information).

HIDE (command)

Syntax: hide itemname

Used to remove the designated item from view. The item can be a HyperCard object or other HyperCard item such as the menubar, the MessageBox, or a window. Also see show.

HIDEIDLE (property)

Syntax: set the hideidle of window message watcher to {true|false}

Determines whether the idle message is displayed during debugging.

HIDEUNUSED (property)

Syntax: set the hideunused of window message watcher to {true|false}

Determines whether messages for which no handler is activated are displayed during debugging.

HILITE (property)

Used to determine whether a button is highlighted or not. Highlighting reversing the colors from black to white and vise versa.

HOME (navigation word)

Transfers to the first card in the Home stack.

ICON (general property)

A graphic symbol often used as part of a button's displayed image. A HyperTalk term used to set or get the icon associated with a button.

ID (property)

Used to get the id number of an object in the current stack.

IDLE (system message)

Sent when no other messages are being sent (it is sent continuously as long as nothing else is happening).

IF (command)

Syntax: if true/false
then statement-list
[else statement- list
end if]

A control structure used in HyperCard to evaluate and act on differing conditions. If there is only one statement in the statement-lists, there is no need for end if. Else is optional.

IMPORT PAINT (command)

Syntax: import paint from file filename

Replaces the current card graphics with the graphic image stored in the indicated file. File must contain a paint image. Usable only when a paint tool has been selected. Also see export paint.


Used with the sort command to sort a chunk expression using international sort-sequence standards rather than ASCII.

INTO (preposition)

Used in conjunction with put to replace the current contents of a destination container or variable with the value indicated in the command.

INVERSE (adjective)

Syntax: visual effect to inverse

Used in visual effects to create an inverse image of the destination card before that card is displayed.

IRIS (visual effect)

Syntax: iris {open|close}

One of the custom effects used with the visual effect command.

IS (operator)

Syntax: is {a|an} {number|integer|point|rect|date|logical}

Returns a value indicating whether an object is of the selected type.

IS IN (operator)

Syntax: text is in container

Returns true if the text is found in the specified container.

IS NOT IN (operator)

Syntax: text is not in container

Returns true if the text is not in the specified container.

IT (container)

Used as a default container with several of HyperCard's retrieval and chunking commands.

ITEM (keyword)

Text separated by a comma from other text in a field, line, container, or variable.

KEYDOWN (system message)

Sent to a field when a key is pressed (except Control and Function keys).

LANGUAGE (property)

Used to set or get the language in which scripts are written and displayed with the script editor. Default is English.

LASSO (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

LAST (ordinal)

Syntax: last chunkexpression

Used to identify, select, or test the last element of a chunk.

LEFT (function)

Syntax: the left of object

Used to get an integer indicating the leftmost position of the object's rectangle.

LENGTH (function)

Syntax: the length of text

Used to get the number of characters in the string of text supplied as an argument.

LINE (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

LINE (keyword)

A block of text in a field that ends with a carriage return.

LINEFEED (constant)

Can be inserted into a string to cause the printer to skip a line when it is encountered.

LINESIZE (painting property)

Used to define the thickness (in pixels) of a line drawn in painting.

LN (function)

Syntax: the ln of number

Used to get the natural logarithm of number.

LN1 (function)

Syntax: the ln1 of number

Used to get the natural logarithm of 1 + number.

LOCATION (property)

Syntax: [the] loc[ation]

Used to set or get the location of a field, window, or button.

LOCK SCREEN (command)

Used to set the lockscreen property to true.


Used to stop all system messages from being sent to HyperCard. Default is false.

LOCKRECENT (property)

Used to keep HyperCard from adding miniature versions of cards to the recent card. Default is false.

LOCKSCREEN (property)

A global property used to freeze the current screen image so that it will not reflect navigation and other on-screen activities.

LOCKTEXT (property)

A field property used to protect or unprotect the text in a field from being edited.

LOG2 (function)

Syntax: the log2 of number

Used to get the base-2 logarithm of the number.

LONG (format)

Syntax: long (date|time)

Used in conjunction with convert to reformat a date or time field or value.


Global property that determines whether the title bars of all windows will show the entire path name or just the name of the stack. Returns true or false.

MARK (command)

Syntax: mark {cardnames|cards where logical| all cards|cards by finding expression}

Marks cards that match criteria contained in the expression. A logical expression can contain any Boolean logic statement that evaluates to true or false. The "by finding" option accepts same syntax and arguments as find command. Also see unmark , marked.

MARKCHAR (property)

Defines the character to be used in check marking a menu item when that item's checkmark property is true (only one character can be used).

MARKED (property)

Identifies whether a card has been specified using the mark command. Returns true or false.

MAX (function)

Syntax: max(number-list)

Used to get the highest value from a list (two or more numbers separated by commas).

ME (keyword)

Refers to the object that contains the script.

MENUMSG (property)

Syntax: menumsg[s]

Determines what message HyperCard will send when the menu item is selected. Also see create menu, put for more menu-related information.

MENUS (function)

Returns a list of all menus in the current menubar. The word "Apple" is substituted for the Apple logo at the left of the menubar. Inactive menus are included. Items in the list end with a return.

MESSAGE BOX (object)

Syntax: [the] message [box] window]
[the] msg [box|window]

A small window that can contain one line of text. It can be used to send messages to HyperCard or to try out scripting statements.


Global property that determines the name of the XCMD containing the messageWatcher to be used during debugging. Argument must evaluate to a string. If no XCMD is specified (or not found) HyperTalk loads built-in default messagewatcher. Also see vari able watcher.

MIDDLE (ordinal)

Syntax: mid[dle]chunkExpression

Used to identify, select, or test the center or middle element or chunk.

MIN (function)

Syntax: min(number-list)

Used to get the smallest value from a list of two or more numbers separated by commas.

MOUSE (function)

Used to get the current status of the mouse button as either up or down.

MOUSECLICK (function)

Used to see if the mouse has been clicked since the handler in which it appears began executing. True is returned if there has been a click, false if not.

MOUSEDOWN (system message)

Sent to any type of object when the mouse button is pressed down while the mouse pointer is over the object.

MOUSEENTER (system message)

Sent to a button or field when the mouse pointer moves into the object's rectangle.

MOUSEH (function)

Used to get the current location (in pixels) of the mouse pointer (from the left side of the card).

MOUSELEAVE (system message)

Sent to a button or field when the mouse pointer leaves the object's rectangle.

MOUSELOC (function)

Used to get the current coordinates (horizontal and vertical) of the mouse pointer.

MOUSESTILLDOWN (system message)

Sent to a button or field when the mouse button is held down while the mouse pointer is over the object's rectangle.

MOUSEUP (system message)

Sent to any object when the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the object's rectangle.

MOUSEV (function)

Used to get the current location of the mouse pointer (in pixels) from the top of the card window.

MOUSEWITHIN (system message)

Sent to a button or locked field when the mouse pointer is inside the object's rectangle.

MOVEWINDOW (system message)

Sent when the card window is moved.

MULTIPLE (painting property)

Used to set the painting property in the Paint menu to draw multiple images of a shape as the cursor is dragged to draw a shape.

MULTIPLY (command)

Syntax: multiply container by number

Used to multiply the value of the container by the number. The value of the container is then replaced by the new value. The container must hold a number or an error will occur.

MULTISPACE (painting property)

Determines the spacing (in pixels) between multiple images drawn when multiple is true.

NAME (property)

User-supplied text string that identifies a menu, menuitem, stack, background, card, field, or button.

NEWBACKGROUND (system message)

Sent when a new background is created.

NEWBUTTON (system message)

Sent when a new button is created.

NEWCARD (system message)

Sent when a new card is created.

NEWFIELD (system message)

Sent when a new field is created.

NEWSTACK (system message)

Sent when a new stack is created.

NEXT (navigation word)

Refers to the next card in the current stack.

NEXT REPEAT (command)

A control structure used to stop a repeat control structure from executing and the control value to increment if one is in use.

NONE (cursor shape)

Sets the cursor to no visible indicator.

NUMBER (function)

Syntax: [the] number of objects
[the] number of cards of background
[the number of chunks in text-source

Returns the number of the specified item type. Can also be used to determine the number of menus on the menubar, menu items in a particular menu, or total windows. When dealing with chunks, returns number of characters, words, items, or lines in a strin g, variable, or container.

NUMBER (property)

Used to get the number of an object


A global property used to set or get the precision with which decimal numbers are displayed.

NUMERIC (sort type)

Used with the sort command to sort a chunk expression as a numeric value.

NUMTOCHAR (function)

Syntax: the numtochar of number

Used to get the ASCII equivalent for number.

OFFSET (function)

Syntax: offset(text, string-source)

Used to get the number of characters from the beginning of the string-source that the text begins. If text is not present in string-source the function returns 0.


Syntax: on handler-name
statement list

end handler-name

This keyword is required to start all event and function handlers. Also see end.

OPEN (command)

Used to open (or begin) a number of different HyperCard functions.

OPEN FILE (command)

Syntax: open file file-name

Used to open the specified ASCII file which can be a string or a container storing a string.


Syntax: open printing
[with dialog]
print card-name
close printing

Used to print cards that appear in print statements. Followed by close printing. Optionally opens the print dialog box for user's input.


Syntax: open report printing [with {template template name| dialog}]

Used to start printing a report using the specified template. User can choose a template from a dialog box. If no parameter is specified, the last template that was used is selected (printing does not start until the close printing command is sent ).

OPEN BACKGROUND (system message)

Sent to a card when the background is opened. Also see closebackground.

OPENCARD (system message)

Sent when a card opened (occurs when you go to that card).

OPENFIELD (system message)

Sent to an unlocked field when the mouse pointer is clicked within its rectangle (if it is tabbed into).

OPENSTACK (system message)

Sent when a stack is opened (when you go to a new stack).

OPTIONKEY (function)

Used to get the position of the option key (either up or down).

OR (operator)

Syntax: expression or expression

A logical operator that returns true if either expression is true, and false if both expressions are false.

OUTLINE (text style)

A text style that can be selected from the Style menu or specified in a script.

OVAL (tool name)

A text style that can be selected from the Style menu or specified in a script.

PARAM (function)

Syntax: the param of number

Returns the parameter from the parameter list that was used in the current handler.

PARAMCOUNT (function)

Used to get the number of parameters passed to the current handler.

PARAMS (function)

Used to get the entire parameter list, including the name, of the message passed to the current handler.

PASS (command)

Syntax: pass handler-name

Sends the invoking message to the next level in the hierarchy.

PATTERN (painting property)

Used to set or get the current paint pattern (a value from 1 to 40 corresponding to the 40 palette patterns).


Used to get or set the properties of the pattern window that are used during graphics operations.

PENCIL (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

PI (constant)

The mathematical value of pi, that expresses the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (3.14159265358979323846).

PICTURE (keyword)

Syntax: pict[ure]

Displays a picture in a new window.

PLAIN (text style)

A text style that can be selected from the Style menu or using the Font option for fields. Indicates text that does not use a special style such as bold or italic.

PLAY (command)

Syntax: play sound name[tempo][note-list]
play stop

Used to generate sounds through the built-in Macintosh speaker or through the external speaker port. The sound name is any sound resource. The tempo is the speed at which the sound plays and notes-list represents the pitch and duration of the sounds to be played.

PLUS (cursor shape)

Syntax: set cursor to the plus
Sets cursor to the plus shape (which is one of eight predefined cursor shapes). (Also see SET.)

POLYGON (painting tool name)

Syntax: poly[gon] tool

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script. Also see regular polygon.

POLYSIDES (painting property)

Used to determine the number of sides the regular polygon tool will draw (three to fifty).

POP (command)

Syntax: pop card [{into|before|after} destination]

Used to retrieve the identification of the last card previously saved with the push card command. If there is no destination, a go command is assumed and the popped card becomes the current card.

POWERKEYS (property)

A global property used to set or get the ability to have shortcuts for certain painting operations. Returns true or false.

PREVIOUS (navigation word)

Syntax: prev[ious]

Refers to the previous card in the current stack.


Syntax: print card [from point1 to point2]
print marked cards
print all cards
print number cards
print field fieldname
print filename with application
print expression

Used to print the specified field, container, or card. You can print some number of cards in the stack, all cards in the stack, all marked cards in the stack, or a specific card whose name or number or ID is supplied. If the from point1 to point2 option is supplied, a rectangular portion of the card(s) defined by the two points will be printed. Also see open printing and close printing.


A global property used to define margins during report printing initiated by the print command.


A global property that defines the alignment of text during report printing initiated by the print command.


A global property used by print command and as the default during report printing that defines font to be used on printout. Argument is a string containing the name of an available font. Also see reset printing.


A global property used to define the line height to be used during report printing initiated by the print command.


A global property used to define the text size to be used during report printing initiated by the print command.

PUSH CARD (command)

Used to put the card ID and full path name of the current card into a list in memory. Also see pop card.

PUT (command)

Syntax: put [expression] [{into|before|after}destination]
put expression {into| before|after} menuitem menuitemname of menu menuname [with {menumsg|menumsgs |menumessage| menumessages messagename] expression into menu menuname

Using the put command without a destination replaces the contents of the Message box with the expression value. With a destination, it places the expression contents in place of, preceding, or following contents of the destination. If the expression con tains an arithmetic expression, it is evaluated first. When a menu is specified, the put command adds a new menu item to an existing menu, optionally identifying the message that should be sent when the user invokes that menu item.

QUIT (system message)

Sent when the user selects "Quit HyperCard."

QUOTE (constant)

Used to place a quotation mark in a text string.

RADIOBUTTON (button style)

A style for a button that can be selected from the Button Info options or specified in a script.

RANDOM (function)

Syntax: the random of number

Used to get a random integer value between 1 and number.

READ FROM FILE (command)

Syntax: read from file filename {until character |for number}

Used with the open file and close file commands to import data from ASCII files into it. Reading continues until a specified character is reached or until a specific number of characters have been read.

RECENT CARD (navigation word)

Refers to the card immediately before the current card in the Recent list.

RECTANGLE (tool name)

Syntax: rect[angle] tool

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

RECTANGLE (property)

Syntax: rect[angle]

Used to set or get the upper-left and lower-right corner coordinates for a field, button, card, or window. Returns four digits separated by commas.


A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script. Also see polygon.

REPEAT (command)

Syntax: repeat [for] number or repeats [times]
repeat forever
repeat for number number of repeats
repeat with variable name = low number to high number
repeat with variable name = high number down to low number
repeat while condition exists
repeat until condition exists

Used to create a structure in which the actions specified in the statements will be repeated. The keywords that follow the word "repeat" determine the conditions under which the repeated actions occur.

REPEAT FOR (command)

Syntax: repeat [for] number [times]
end repeat

Used to create a structure in which the actions specified in the statements will be repeated specified number of times.

REPEAT UNTIL (command)

Syntax: repeat until {true|false}
end repeat

Used to create a structure in which the actions specified in the statements will be repeated until the specified condition evaluates to true or false.

REPEAT WHILE (command)

Syntax: repeat while {true|false}
end repeat

Used to create a structure in which the actions specified in the statements will be repeated as long as the specified condition evaluates to true or false.

REPEAT WITH (command)

Syntax: repeat with variablename = number to number statements
end repeat


Syntax: the reporttemplates

Used to get a list of all report templates associated with the current stack. Each item in the list will end with a return.


Used to return the menubar to the standard HyperCard setting.

RESET PAINT (command)

Used to return all painting parameters to the standard HyperCard setting.


Used to return all printing parameters to the standard HyperCard setting.

RESULT (function)

Used to get a text string explaining the last error message generated by the previous command.

RESUME (system message)

Sent to the card when HyperCard is resumed after running another application.

RESUMESTACK (system message)

Sent to a stack when its window is made active. Also see suspendstack.

RETURN (command)

Syntax: return result

Used in function handlers to return a value. Also see function.

RETURN (constant)

Places a carriage return in a text string.

RETURNINFIELD (system message)

Sent when the Return key is pressed while the cursor is positioned inside a field's rectangle.

RETURNKEY (system message)

Sent when the Return key is pressed.

RIGHT (property)

Indicates the pixel location of the right edge of a button, field, or card.

ROUND (function)

Syntax: the round of number

Used to round off the number to the nearest integer.


Syntax: round rect[angle]tool

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

ROUNDRECT (button style)

A button style that can be selected from the Button Info dialog box or specified in a script.

SCREENRECT (function)

Used to get an integer representing the top left and bottom right corners of the screen display.

SCRIPT (property)

Used to refer to the script of an object.


Used to determine the name of the XCMD containing the script editor to be used. If an XCMD is not specified, HyperTalk's built-in script editor is used.


Used to determine the font to be displayed in the script-editing window.


A global property used to determine the text size displayed in the script-editing window.


A global property used to determine the text style displayed in the script-editing window.


A global property that holds the location of the script-editing window. The built-in HyperCard script editor uses this global to position windows to avoid two script editing windows from occupying the same screen positions.

SCROLL (visual effect)

Syntax: scroll {left|right|up|down]

A visual effect that can be selected using the visual effects options or specified in a script.

SCROLL (property)

Used to determine the number of pixels that the card's image is scrolled within the card window.

SCROLLING (field style)

A style of field that scrolls if more text is entered than can fit into the field's window.

SECONDS (format or function)

Syntax: sec[onds]
wait statement to specify the duration of the wait in seconds.

SELECT (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tool menu or specified in a script.

SELECT (command)

Syntax: select empty
select button buttonname
select field fieldname
select text of field fieldname
select {before|after} text of field fieldname
select chunk of container container
select {before|after} chunk of field fieldname

Used to select a specified item. Select empty removes the current selection. The select command can be used to select all text in a specified field or a specified chunk of text in a specified field. When you select a button or field, HyperCard responds as if you first selected the button or field tool and then clicked on the object.


Used to get the location of the currently selected text, if any. Returns empty if no text has been selected.


Used to get the identifier for the field in which the currently selected text is located. Returns empty if no text has been selected.


Used to get the line and field numbers for the currently selected text. Returns empty if no text has been selected.

SELECTEDLOC (function)

Used to get the lower-left point of the selected text in a field. Returns empty if no text has been selected.


Used to get the currently selected text. Returns empty if no text has been selected.

SELECTION (container)

Contains the text currently selected on the card.

SEND (command)

Syntax: send message-name [parameters] to object

Used to send a message to any object when you want to override normal passage of control. Message-name must be one word without spaces.

SET (command)

Syntax: set property of object to value

Used to change the condition of a property associated with an object so that it equals value.

SHADOW (text style)

A text style that can be selected from the Style menu or specified in a script.

SHADOW (button style, field style)

A button style that can be selected using the Button Info options or specified in a script.


Determines whether the state of the button (see hilite) is saved for each card on which the button appears. Returns true or false.

SHAREDTEXT (property)

Determines whether the text entered into this field will appear on all cards or whether contents will be card-specific. Returns true or false.

SHIFTKEY (function)

Used to get the position of the Shift key (either up or down).

SHORT (format)

Syntax: {short time|date}

Used to reformat a date or time field or value in conjunction with the convert command and functions. The short format for dates is mm/dd/yy and for times is 7:30 PM or 19:30.

SHOW (command)

Syntax: show menubar
show titlebar
show groups
show all cards
show marked cards
show number cards
show card picture picturename
show background picture of backgroundname
show picture of card cardname
show picture of background backgroundname
show field at point
show button at point
show window windowname at point
show external window windowname at point

Displays a specified object or window at a specified location on the screen. Displays a specified number of cards or all cards in the current stack. If card window is shown, point is in global coordinates, with upper-left corner of screen 0,0 and point giving offset of upper-left corner of card. The show groups option produces a special underline that identifies grouped text.

SHOWLINES (property)

Used to set or get the visibility of lines within a field. Returns true or false.

SHOWNAME (property)

A button property used to set or get whether or not the name of a button will appear as part of the button display on the screen. Returns true or false.

SHOWPICT (property)

A card or background property used to determine whether a picture is visible or invisible. Returns true or false.

SHRINK (visual effect)

Syntax: shrink to {top|center|bottom}

A visual effect that can be selected using the visual effects options or specified in a script.

SIN (function)

Syntax: the sin of angle sin(angle)

Used to get the sine of an angle

SIZE (property)

Used to get the size of the stack (in kilobytes).

SIZEWINDOW (system message)

Sent when the card window is resized.

SLOWLY (adverb)

Syntax: slow[ly]

Used in conjunction with the visual effect command to cause the specified visual effect to execute slowly.

SORT (command)

Syntax: sort [{ascending|descending}] [sortstyle] by expression
sort [this] stack [{ascending|descending}] [sortstyle] by expression
sort [marked] cards [of this stack] [{ascending|descending}] [sortstyle] by expression
sort background backgroundname[{ascending|descending}] [sortstyle] by expression
sort [marked cards] of background backgroundname[{ascending|descending}] [sortstyle] by expression
sort [chunks of] container [{ascending|descending}] [sortstyle]

Used to sort text, items in a list, or objects. The sort direction (ascending or descending) refers to the arrangement of listed items after completion of the sort. Ascending sorts result in a list of items ordered from lowest values (alphabetically, fro m A to Z) and descending sorts result in highest values to lowest values (alphabetically, from Z to A). If you don't specify a sort direction, the specified items will be sorted in ascending order. The sortstyle can be text, numeric, datetime, or intern ational. If you don't specify a sortstyle, sorts are treated as text sorts. Chunks are either lines of text or items in a list.

SOUND (function)

Used to get the name of the currently playing sound.

SPACE (constant)

Used to place a space in a string.

SPRAY (tool name)

Syntax: spray [can] tool

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

SQRT (function)

Syntax: the sqrt of numbersqrt(number)

Used to get the square root of a number.

STACKS (function)

Returns a list of the stacks that are presently open.

STACKSINUSE (property)

Used to get a list of all stacks in the current inheritance path as a return-delimited list.

STACKSPACE (function)

Used to get the amount of memory available in the current stack.

START USING (command)

Syntax: start using stackname

Adds the named stack to the message-passing hierarchy. Also seestop using and stacksinuse.

STOP USING (command)

Syntax: stop using stackname

Removes a stack from the message-passing order. Handlers in the specified stack will no longer be available from the current stack.

STARTUP (system message)

Sent to a card when HyperCard is first started.

STRETCH (visual effect)

Syntax: stretch from {top| center|bottom}

A visual effect that can be selected using the visual effects options or specified in a script.

STRING (keyword)

Syntax: find string

Used with the find command to gain a performance improvement when searching for combinations of characters including spaces.

STYLE (property)

Used to set or get the style of a card (transparent, opaque, rectangle, shadow, or scrolling) or a field (opaque, rectangle, round rect, check box radio button, or scrolling).

SUBTRACT (command)

Syntax: subtract number from container

Used to subtract number from the value in container and replace that value with the result. If the container does not have a number an error will result.

SUSPEND (system message)

Sent to a card when HyperCard is temporarily suspended to run another application.

SUSPENDED (property)

A global property which indicates whether HyperCard is presently suspended.

SUSPENDSTACK (system message)

Sent when the user opens another stack in a new window without closing the current stack. Also see resumestack.

TAB (constant)

Used to place a tab in a text string.

TABKEY (system message)

Sent when the tab key is pressed.

TAN (function)

Syntax: the tan of angle

Used to get the trigonometric tangent of angle that must be expressed in radians.

TARGET (function)

Syntax: [the] adjective target

Used to get a string identifying the original recipient of the message currently being handled. In the case of card, background, field, or button returns a string indicating the name of the object (if it has no name, the ID number is returned).

TEXT (sort type)

This is the default for sort that sorts the stack by ASCII sort sequence.

TEXT (tool name)

A paint tool that can be selected from the Tools menu or specified in a script.

TEXTALIGN (property)

Syntax: textalign [of objects]

Used to set or get the alignment of text in an object to left, right, or center. It is a painting property when no object is specified.

TEXTARROWS (property)

Determines whether arrow keys will be used for navigational purposes or as cursor-moving keys in text editing mode. Returns true or false.

TEXTFONT (property)

Syntax: textfont [of object]

Used to set or get the resource font name to be used. It is treated as a painting property when no object is specified.

TEXTHEIGHT (property)

Syntax: textheight [of object]

Used to set or get the leading to be used between text lines. It is treated as a painting property when no object is specified.

TEXTSIZE (property)

Syntax: textsize [of object]

Used to set or get the font size of text. It is treated as a painting property when no object is specified.

TEXTSTYLE (property)

Syntax: textstyle [of object]

Used to set or get the text style for button names, fields, menus, or menu items. It is treated as a painting property when no object is specified.

THEN (keyword)

Keyword that is required as part of the If test structure.

THERE IS (operator)

Syntax: there is {a|an} {objectname}

Identifies whether a particular window, menu, menu item, file, card, background, button, field, or stack exists. Returns true or false.

THIS (keyword)

Refers to the current card or stack.

TICKS (function)

Syntax: the tick[s]

Gets the number of ticks (1 tick = 1/60th second) since the Macintosh was turned on.

TIME (function)

Syntax: the [short|long] time

Gets the current time as a text string.

TITLEBAR (object)

The portion of a card window that contains the name of the stack. May be hidden or displayed using the hide or show command.

TOOL (function)

Gets the name of the currently selected tool. Also see choose tool.

TOOL WINDOW (operator)

Used during graphics operations to get and set properties of the Tool Window.

TOP (property)

A button, field, or window property used to set or get the top edge (in pixels) of an object's rectangle.

TOPLEFT (property)

A button, field, or window property used to set or get the upper-left corner of an object's rectangle.

TRACEDELAY (property)

A global property used when tracing is in effect during debugging. It determines the number of ticks between the execution of HyperTalk statements.

TRANSPARENT (field or button style)

A field or buttons style that can be selected or specified in a script.

TRUE (constant)

One of two values returned for a number of HyperCard tests. Also see false.

TRUNC (function)

Syntax: the trunc of number

Used to get the integer portion of number without rounding. Also see round.

TYPE (command)

Syntax: type text string [with key-list]

Used to simulate typing of text as if from the keyboard.

UNDERLINE (text style)

A text style that can be selected from the Style menu or specified in a script.

UNLOCK (command)

Syntax: unlock screen with[visual effect] [speed]

Used to unlock the screen after a lock screen or set lockscreen to true command has been issued. You can also add a visual effect to be displayed as the screen is unlocked. The possible speed options are fast, very fast, slow, slowl y, very slow, and very slowly.

UNMARK (command)

Syntax: unmark all cards
unmark card cardname
unmark cards where {true|false}
unmark cards by finding textchunk [in field] [of marked cards]

Unmarks previously marked cards that match criteria contained in the expression. A logical expression can contain any Boolean logic statement that evaluates to true or false. The "by finding" option accepts same syntax and arguments as the find c ommand. Also see mark, marked.

UP (constant)

One of the possible values of the mouse button and keys whose status can be checked with functions (up or down). Also see down.

USERLEVEL (property)

Used to determine the user's level of access to HyperCard.

USERMODIFY (property)

When true allows a user to make changes to a locked stack without their changes being retained. Should be reset to false when the user leaves the stack. Returns true or false.

VALUE (function)

Syntax: the value of string

Used to evaluate the value of string as a numeric expression and returns the result.


Used to determine the name of the XCMD containing the variablewatcher to be used during debugging. If no XCMD is specified, HyperTalk loads built-in default variable watcher. Also see message watcher.

VBARLOC (property)

Syntax: set the vbarloc of window variable watcher to location

A property of the built-in variable-watcher supplied with HyperCard which determines the width of the window and contributes to how much detail can be see in the window. Also see hbarloc.

VENETIAN BLINDS (visual effect)

A visual effect that can be selected using the visual effects options or specified in a script.

VERSION (property)

Syntax: the version [of HyperCard] the long version [of HyperCard] the version of stack stackname

Used to get the version of HyperCard currently being used, or the version used to create the current stack.

VERY FAST (adverb)

Used in conjunction with visual effect command to cause visual effects to execute very quickly. Also see fast.

VERY SLOWLY (adverb)

Syntax: very slow[ly]

Used in conjunction with visual effect command to cause visual effects to execute very slowly. Also see slowly.

VISIBLE (property)

Used to determine whether a field, button, or window is visible or invisible.


Syntax: visual [effect] effect-name [speed][to image]

Used to specify visual effect. Effects that can be specified are slow, very slow[ly], fast, or very fast. The image parameters include white, gray, black, card, or inverse.

WAIT (command)

Syntax: wait [for] number [seconds]
wait until truefalse
wait while truefalse

Pauses script execution either for a specific amount of time or based on an expression value. If the word seconds is not used, ticks (1 tick = 1/60 second) are assumed. With "until," waits for truefalse to become true; with "while," waits for truefalse to become false.

WATCH (cursor shape)

Syntax: set cursor to watch

Sets the cursor to a watch (which is one of eight predefined cursor shapes). (Also see SET.)

WHITE (adjective)

Syntax: visual effect to white

Used with visual effect to create a white screen before the destination card is displayed.

WHOLE (keyword)

Syntax: find whole text

Used with the find command to force HyperCard to local target text string only where it appears exactly as provided in argument, in same word order, in same field.

WIDEMARGINS (property)

Used to create wider left and right margins. Returns true or false.

WIDTH (property)

A button, field, or window property used to get the pixel width of an object's rectangle.

WINDOWS (function)

Returns a list of all open windows, in back-to-front order. List includes all built-in palettes, whether open or not. List is delimited by returned.

WIPE (visual effect)

Syntax: wipe {left|right|up|down}

One of the custom effects used with the visual effect command.

WORD (keyword)

Any string beginning and ending with a space.

WRITE TO FILE (command)

Syntax: write text to file filename

Used to write text on a previously opened file. Also see open, read from file, and close.

ZOOM (visual effect)

Syntax: zoom {open|out|close|in}

One of the custom effects used with the visual effect command.

*Terms Definitions

This site provides an alphabetical list and brief description of key HyperCard and HyperTalk terms from the book HyperCard the Easy Way

If a special syntax is required for using a term, a syntax description is also included. Listed below are the conventions used in syntax descriptions.


Terms in bold in syntax descriptions are names or values to be supplied by the creator of a script. For example, if you are creating a script using the following command:

close file filename

you supply the filename.

[ ] (Square Brackets)

Square brackets are used in syntax descriptions to surround optional items. For example, if you are creating a script using the following command:

beep [number]

the "beep" command can be used to create the beep sound once without entering an optional number of extra beeps.

{ } (Curly Braces)

Curly braces are used in syntax descriptions to indicate that one of the listed options must be chosen. For example, if you are creating a script using the following command:

visual effect barn door {open|close}

you must specify either "open" or "close."

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HyperCard the Easy Way