Biology for the 21st Century
and the Life Science Prize

Tested Devolution, Evolution, and Genesis
©Joseph Mastropaolo, Ph.D., 2005

1 Biology for the 21st Century testifies on human origin.............................3                     
2 Longevity, the flood and genetic disorders...................................................7                    
3 Age of the Earth......................................................................................................11
4 Biology for the 21st Century explains life...................................................15                   
5 The Life Science Prize acid test for Biology for the 21st Century........20

Summary and Conclusions

          Biology for the 21st century is based on objective, valid, reliable, and calibrated observational and experimental evidence that any researcher may confirm. The U.S. Census Bureau historical estimates indicated an original human couple several thousand years ago. Observational and DNA evidence indicated that they were fully human whereas the ape-man and chemical-to-human alternatives were based on frauds and forgeries. Furthermore, medically verified, ever increasing, human mutations confirmed universal devolution, eliminated ape-men and evolution, and inferred a worldwide flood.

        The age of the Earth by direct, historical records was found reliable at 6,800 years old whereas confidence limits found the 19th century indirect methods unreliable. The 20th century radioisotope indirect methods were found significantly biased, invalid, unreliable, uncalibrated, and if calibrated still entirely unreliable, invalid, and useless for any estimate for the age of the Earth. The only scientifically responsible conclusion was that the Earth is 6,800 years old.

         The laws of engineering confirmed the design of each life form and the entire biosphere for interdependence and survival endurance as confirmed by biology for the 21st century. Each life form exhibits genetic reserves for dynamic survival in fixed, manifested, and latent overlapping niches in a biosphere of vast variation. The vast variation and the latent unmanifested individual and population dynamic genetic reserves are proof positive of mega-engineering that evolution could never provide.

         The Life Science Prize, the default judgment, and the reward are positive proof that evolution is an inverted-fantasy religion based on vitalism superstitions 2,500 years old completely outside the realm of science, the exact opposite of reality, and taught exclusively by frauds, forgeries, brass and bluff in the public schools in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Whereas, Genesis read literally is scientifically tenable and devolution is a universal law.