############################################################### # This is an instruction file for running the most # # current version of MATLAB 2010b on pyramid.cnsm.csulb.edu # ############################################################### Option 1 (one time fix): 1. edit the .bashrc file under home directory to include the following two lines MATLAB=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2010bSP1 export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/MATLAB/R2010bSP1/bin 2. exit the shell and re-log in and matlab 2010b should work Option 2 (everytime matlab is needed) At the command prompt, type user@pyramid:~[1002] > module add tools/MATLAB-R2010b 1.5 (when you want to get back to the old 2008 version) user@pyramid:~[1002] > module rm tools/MATLAB-R2010b Please email me at jen-mei.chang@csulb.edu if you have questions. Happy computing! Last updated: October 19, 2011