CECS 174
Programming and Problem Solving I

Course Outline and Syllabus - Spring 2004

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Class Schedule and Assignments (Check the day of the lecture for updates).

Blue Font means that the schedule is definite. Black (italic) font means that the schedule is tentative.

Week Of


Assignment / Readings/ Instruction (Class meets on Tuesday - Thursday)
1 - 1/26 Assignment: Copy the following programs into the C++ IDE, compile, run and save each of the executables under different names: Chapter 2 - 'Displays' 2.1 (p 42), 2.3 (p. 66), 2.13 (p. 88).  Due 2/2 at the START of the lab.
Reading: Chapter 1, Begin Chapter 2.
Instruction: Introduction to computers, and the particular computing system to be used in this course.  How to edit (or copy) , modify and run a program, file manipulation. C++ projects in the .NET environment. For today (1/27) in the lab, copy the code from Display 1.8 on page 22 into a project in the .NET environment and get it to run.
2  -  2/2 Assignment #1: Chapter 2 Programming Projects: 1 (p. 105), 3 (pp. 105-106), 5 (p. 106), 8 (p. 107), 9 (pp. 107-108). Due 2/17 at the START of the lab. 
Reading: Chapter 2.
Instruction: Identifiers, Data types and declarations, executable statements, form of a C++ program, arithmetic expressions. 
3  -  2/9 Continue discussion of topics of previous week (2): Assignment statements; Flow of control using if-else, do-while; relational and logical operators; compound statements; formatting values for output.
4 - 2/16 Assignment #2:  Chapter 3 Programming Projects: 1 (p. 170), 3 (p. 171), 6 (p. 172), 8(pp.172-273). Due 3/2 at the START of the lab. I will check all four of these programs. Hopefully, some will be ready before 3/2. If you finish any of them early, let me know so that I can check them.
Reading: Review Chapter 2, Read Chapter 3
Instruction: Library and user defined functions; prototypes and definitions. Argument/Parameter correspondence. Scope and visibility of names. Parameter passing by value.
5  -  2/23 Assignment #3:  Chapter 4 Programming Projects: 1 (pp. 219, 220), 2 (p. 220) and 3 (p. 220). Due 3/11 at the START of lab .
Reading: Review Chapter 3, Read Chapter 4, all sections. 
Instruction: Parameter passing by reference; void functions; mixed parameter lists; functions calling functions; pre-conditions and post-conditions relating to functions.
6  -  3/1 Assignment #4:  Write a program which calls a function that computes the sum, difference, product and dividend of two numbers (n1 + n2, n1 - n2, n1 * n2, and n1 / n2). The function will have 6 formal parameters, the first two for input, and the last 4 for output. Be sure that the function tests for the second input parameter equal to zero, so that division by zero is not attempted.  Be sure to specify pre and post conditions for the function. Due 3/11 at the START of the lab.
Reading:  Review Chapter 4, Read Chapter 5, pp. 226 - 241.
Parameter passing by value and reference; void functions; mixed parameter lists; functions calling functions; pre-conditions and post-conditions relating to functions. Introduction to reading from and writing to files.
7 - 3/8 Assignment #5:  . Chapter 6 Programming Projects: 1 (p. 377); Chapter 7 Programming Projects: 1 (pp. 453, 454), 5(p. 455).  Due 4/13 at the START of lab.
Reading: Read Chapter 7, all sections. 
Instruction: A new data type: structures. Statements which control the flow of a program: boolean expressions, multiway if-else, switch statements; block statements; more on loops - while, for do; break statements, nested loops.
8 - 3/15 Midterm Exam 1, Tuesday, 3/16/04. There will be a written part in class, and a programming part in the lab. The test will cover Chapters 1 through 4. - Be sure you have set up a printing account with the CECS department.
9 - 3/22 Assignment: Same as Week 7
Reading: Read Chapter 7, all sections. Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2 (pp. 558 - 578); Chapter 11, Section 1 and 2, (pp. 644 - 671)
Instruction: Same as Week 7
10 - 3/29 Assignment: Same as Week 7
Reading: Read Chapter 7, all sections. Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2 (pp. 558 - 578); Chapter 11, Section 1 and 2, (pp. 644 - 671)
Instruction: Finish Chapter 7. Discuss home work due on 4/13.
11 - 4/5 Spring Break (4/5 - 4/9) - No Classes
12-4/12 Assignment #6: Chapter 10, Problem 2, pp. 632 - 633. When the program begins, provide a loop so that the user can enter the array values; display the values entered before calling the delete_repeats. Display the values in the array after calling the function. Problem 4, p. 634.  Due 4/27 at the START of lab.
Reading:  Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2 (pp. 558 - 578); Chapter 11, Section 1 and 2, (pp. 644 - 671)
Instruction: Arrays
13-4/19 Midterm Exam 2, Thursday, 4/22/04. There will be a written part in class, and a programming part in the lab. The test will emphasize Chapters 7 and Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 10, and, Chapter 11, Section 1 (pp. 644 - 662)
14-4/26 Assignment #7: Chapter 6, Problem 1, p. 377. User input is from the keyboard. Second Program: Write a program to convert a Roman numeral in the range 1 to 3000 (I to MMM) into its Arabic equivalent.  Due 5/11 at the START of lab.
Reading:  Chapter 6, Section 1 (pp 308 - 321), Reread Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2 (pp. 558 - 578); Reread Chapter 11, Section 1 and 2, (pp. 644 - 671)
Instruction: Arrays, strings, string manipulation functions, structures.
15- 5/3 Reading:  Chapter 6, Section 1 (pp 308 - 321), Reread Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2 (pp. 558 - 578); Reread Chapter 11, Section 1 and 2, (pp. 644 - 671)
Instruction: Arrays, strings, string manipulation functions, structures.
16-5/10 Instruction: Review arrays, strings, structures. Discussion of final exam. Check remaining homework.
  Final Exam - Thursday, May 20, 5pm to 7pm (meet in the lab). There will be no written part. The programming part will be open book and will emphasize arrays, cstrings and structures. 

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This document was last updated on:
May 10, 2004