Assignment 2

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Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Timed Essay #1
Mid-Term Portfolio
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Timed Essay #2
Final Portfolio

Compare and Contrast

Due Date: Week 6 100 Points

Essay 2 is a compare and contrast type of essay.


Assignment 2:

For this assignment you will be writing a compare/contrast essay. You have the choice to either develop a topic of your own or do the following:

Times change, look at a newspaper on the day and year you were born and compare one news event from then to today's events. You do not have to pick the exact day of your birthday this year, but you do need to look at the exact day you were born.

One way of tackling this assignment might be to look at the fashion page and compare and contrast the fashions of today with those from yesterday. There are many possibilities.


The purpose of this assignment is to build on the skills you have acquired while doing the narrative-description using them to analyze two items. You will still need to be specific and give details so the reader will be able to understand the items being compared.

Relevant Readings and Activities:

Activities: Class Readings:
Journal Assignments Student Essay Example
Audience Activity "Grant and Lee"
"The Transaction"

Hints for writing your essay:

As always I want you to be creative and imaginative, to explore, and even take some risks. Please note that taking risks does not always mean a controversial topic. Risks can mean style of presentation.

Things to consider . . .

Audience - Yes, audience again! Think about the image you want to portray to your readers! Imagine a real live body waiting for your latest work to come off of the presses! What would you want the reader to take away from your essay?

Be consistent - if you chose to make your essay "scholarly" keep the tone and diction that way throughout the paper.

Details - Remember you can't compare and contrast something that the reader can't "see." Give lots of specific, concrete details.

Your essay should be about 4 to 5 pages, typed, double-spaced, with standard 1" margins all around, and a 12-point font size max.


No Late papers!


As a general reminder -




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