Absorb, Do, Connect





“The Absorb-Do-Connect model of learning first proposed by W, Horton has become increasingly popular, giving teachers and learners alike deeper insights into the mechanics of learning. These three types of activities make it very easy to come up with an effective eLearning.” (Karla Gutierrez)


1- This is a group activity. Each group works together and submits as a group. You may use Google Docs to work together.

2- For this assignment you Imagine you want to teach this course next semester.

3- Use the following table to DECIDE which of the following learning activities are applicable to this course and which ones are not quite applicable.

4- For the applicable ones, you briefly describe what will you do or what you will have your students to do. You may use the activities that I have designed for this course or come up with new ideas.

5- For the inapplicable ones you need to explain why it is not applicable to this course. 


The group with best suggestions will earn 5 extra credits.




Sample Learning Activities





Read, Watch, Listen

Exercise, experiment, and discover

Link to prior knowledge, and application in workplace and life.



·         Slide shows

·         Physical demonstrations

·         Demonstrations Recorded

·         Software demonstration

·         Instructional video

·         Dramas

·         Guest Speakers

·         Movies

·         Discussion Presentations

Practice activities



·     Drill and practice –

·     Hands-on Activities (follow steps)

·     Guided analysis activities

o   Compare and contrast

o   Classify items

o   Outline items

o   Concept maps)

o   Re-create famous examples


Ponder activities


·         Rhetorical questions

·         Meditations

·         Cite-examples

·         Evaluation activities

·         Summary activities



·        Books

·        Online journals

·        Technical manuals

·        Links to Internet

·        Blogs

·        Manuals

·        Diaries

·        Newspapers

·        Documents



Discovery activities



·         Virtual laboratories

·         Trial and Aha

·         Case studies (Also known as student

·         projects or student research)

o   Instructor-led case studies

o   Virtual field trips

o   Observe-and-comment activities

o   Mini-case studies

o   Reaction (reflection) papers


·         Group Work

·         Compare and Contrast

·         Classify items

·         Outline items

·         Scientific experiments Create or

·         Practice Music compositions

·         Trial and error activities

Questioning activities


let students ask GOOD questions




Stories by learners


·         Picture Stories

·         Written stories

·         Oral Stories



Job aids



Study guide

Crib sheet

Cheat sheet






Research activities


·      Scavenger hunts

·      Guided research



Original work


·         Decision activities

·         Work-document activities

·         Journal activities

·         Projects

·         Exams


Stories by a teacher


·         Hero stories

·         Love stories

·         Disaster stories

·         Tragedies

·         Discovery stories



Games and simulations





Field trips


·         Guided tours

·         Museums

·         Travel journal