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California State University, Long Beach                                                                                                                  

Policy Statement


                                                                                                                 June 16, 1989


Policy For A Smoke-Free Campus Environment

This policy was approved by the Academic Senate on May 11, 1989 and approved by the President on June 1, 1989.

    California State University, Long Beach has a responsibility to provide employees and students with a  safe working and learning environment.  Given the fact that smoking is the most significant cause of premature and preventable death in the United States today, California State University, Long Beach is declared to be a "smoke-free" campus in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order D-62-87, Government Section 19262.

    Effective with the first day of the fall 1989 semester, this "smoke-free" policy shall apply to all state-owned and University operated facilities regardless of location.  This policy does not include public performances in which smoking is an integral and necessary part of those performances.  Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas, including but not limited to:

        administrative Offices                    theatres                    waiting rooms
        private offices                               lobbies                      reception areas
        laboratories                                   hallways                   university vehicles
        classrooms                                    stairwells                  machine shops
        conference rooms                         restrooms                  elevators
        auditoria                                       libraries                     food service areas

    Where outdoor seating is provided adjacent ot indoor food service facilities, non-smoking sections must be designed and posted.

    The success of this policy depend upon the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of everyone.  All share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy.  Any problems should be brought to the attention of the appropriate supervisor and/or department chair.  If a problem cannot be resolved in this manner, recourse may be had by contacting the appropriate Dean, Director, or Faculty and Staff Relations Coordinator.  There shall be no reprisal against anyone seeking assistance in enforcing this policy.

    For those employees and students who which to stop smoking, California State University, Long Beach shall support and assist their efforts by providing referrals to cessation programs.  The Employee Assistance Program at the Student Health Center may be contacted for information and assistance.  The Employee Assistance Coordinator may be reached by calling extension 4771.

Effective: Fall 1989