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California State University, Long Beach                                                  Policy Statement


                                                                                                                  February 15, 2008

Master of Arts in Education

Option in Early Childhood Education (code EDELMA05)

These new options were recommended by the Senate on February 14, 2008 and approved by the President on February 29, 2008.

Master of Arts in Education

4. Capstone Requirement (3-6 units): One of the following chosen in consultation with an advisor: EDCI 695 (3 units) and Comprehensive Examination; EDCI 698 (6 units) and Thesis.

Option in Early Childhood Education (code EDELMA05)

(30-33 units)

The Master of Arts in Education, Option in Early Childhood Education is designed to foster the development of educators who are able to apply research-based knowledge in designing developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum and assessment strategies for children ages birth through 8. Candidates develop parent involvement strategies, reflect on issues facing the field, evaluate the quality of early childhood programs in their local communities, critically evaluate policies that impact young children and their families around the world, and utilize technology to enhance communication and learning.


1. EDP 301or HDEV 307I or PSY 361.

2. EDEL 420

3. EDEL 482 or one year of documented and approved teaching experience.


In addition to applying to the university for graduate standing, candidates must submit a program-specific application. Program applications are available in the College Graduate Studies Office (ED1-7) and online at http://www.ced.csulb.edu/teacher-ed/resources/documents/masters.cfm.


1. Research methods (6 units): EDP 400 and one of the following: EDP 520 (for Comprehensive Examination track), or EDP 595 or EDP 696 (for Thesis track).

2. Core courses (21units): EDEC 520, 521, 522, 523, 526, 621, 622.

3. One of the following chosen in consultation with the program advisor: EDEC 695 (3 units) and Comprehensive Examination; EDEC 698 (6 units) and Thesis.


EFFECTIVE: Fall 2008

Code: EDELMA05

College: 50

Career: GR

IPEDS (Major) ERSS: 13.1210

IPEDS (Degree) ERSD:

Discontinue:EDELMA01and EDSEMA01effective Fall 2008