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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the policy on program review?

*Please click on the "Program Review Policy"

2.  When is my department's self-study for program review due?

*All departments undergoing traditional program review are on seven-year cycles (from submission of self study to submission of the next self study). Accredited programs are based on their accreditation cycle. Schedules are available on the documents page of the PARC website.

3. Which council will review the Self-Studies?

*The Program Assessment and Review Council will review all self-studies

4. How is the program review team comprised?

*The PAR Council will appoint a three-person program review team, with two persons from the PAR Council that are outside of your college and one person chosen from the Faculty Council of your College (but not from your department).

5.  What do I need to turn in?

*The self-study plus any appendices

*More information is contained in the revised Chapter 5 of the Curriculum Handbook

6.  Where do I turn in the self-studies?

*Please email copies of your self study to Cecile Lindsay and Sharlene Sayegh
*Please deliver one paper copy to the University Arvhives, care of Kristie French.

7. How many pages is the report limited to?

*The suggested lengths are 30 double spaced pages for reports addressing a single degree and 45 double-spaced pages for reports addressing multiple degrees; appendices may be attached.

8. Where can copies of previous self-studies, external reviewer reports, and program review reports be found?

*Check your department files

*Check University Archives

*Contact the Director of Program Review and Assessment (Sharlene Sayegh)

*Please note: The Academic Senate does not keep copies of any of these documents

9.  Where can I find out more?

*Consult the revised Chapter 5 of the Curriculum Handbook

*Contact the Director of Program Review and Assessment (Sharlene Sayegh)

*Contact your Associate Dean or College coordinator for program review and/or assessment