Learning Center - Learning Style Inventory

Complete the following statements by rating each of the possible options offered:

  • 3 points should be given to the option that is most typical of you
  • 2 points should be assigned to the option that represents your second choice
  • 1 point should be given to the option least like you

Use each number only once per statement, and be sure to score all three options.

  1. When I run into a problem trying something new, I usually want

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Someone to explain it to me
    2. A value is required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.Invalid format.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. To read about it in a book, magazine or online
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. To try doing it myself

  2. At a party, most of the time I like to

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Listen and talk to two or three people at once
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Watch people, noticing how others are dressed and act
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Dance, play games, participate in activities

  3. When I try to recall a past conversation I remember

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Who I talked to and what I said
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. What people were wearing or where they were standing
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. What I was doing at the time of the conversation

  4. When I'm upset, my first reaction is to

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Yell, laugh, or talk it over
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Keep it inside or think about it
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Tense up, write in a journal, or do some exercise

  5. I would really be delighted if I were complemented on my

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Communication skills
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Sense of style
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Physical ability

  6. I prefer an instructor to

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Lecture, giving informative explanations and inviting discussion
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Write on the board, use charts and graphs, and assign readings
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Demonstrate and include practical activities as part of the class

  7. I express emotion through

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Tone of voice
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Facial expressions
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Meaningful gestures

  8. If I wanted to rearrange my room I would

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Talk about my ideas with a friend before moving furniture
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Draw a picture or diagram before moving furniture
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Just begin moving furniture to see what works best

  9. If I had to cook something for the first time, I would

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Have someone talk me through the recipe
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Read the recipe and look at illustrations of the dish
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Try to make it on my own, doing frequent taste-tests

  10. If I had to watch a performance and write a report about it later, I would remember key parts by

    1. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Talking to someone about it afterwards
    2. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Referring to the program and trying to remember what occurred
    3. A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is less than the minimum required.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Reenacting key parts of the performance