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California State University, Long Beach
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Heat Illness Prevention Training

CNSM personnel that will work outdoors in environments where the temperature is expected to reach or exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit must complete Heat Illness Prevention Training.

Employees and Employee Supervisors

Complete the trainings entitled "Heat Stress Recognition and Prevention – Cal/OSHA" and "CSU-Student Activities Heat Illness Prevention" accessed from the CSU Training application found on in Single Sign-On (SSO). All CNSM employees that submit a Safety Program form on which heat illness is marked will be enrolled in these trainings by campus Environmental Health & Safety and will receive email notifications.


You may be assigned University Heat Illness Awareness training as part of the university enrollment processes. It is required that you complete this training when instructed to do so.

Please note: for the purposes of this training, paid student assistants are considered employees and should complete the employee training detailed above.